Issue Five Hundred Eighty Seven

8 Literary Journals that Publish Poetry that Rhymes

I often receive emails from subscribers seeking journals that are open to rhyming poetry. Some of these emails are sent by poets that write traditional forms, like sonnets, and some of these emails are sent by writers that simply enjoy rhyming outside of traditional forms. The vast majority of literary journals don’t have any rules…

Milk Candy Review: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

Milk Candy Review is a weekly online journal of flash fiction. They publish a new flash (almost) every Thursday. And every Monday they follow that up with a two-question interview with the author who was published the previous week. Numerous flashes published in Milk Candy Review have been selected for anthologies and awards, such as…

3 Avoidable Submission Mistakes that Sabotage Your Acceptance Odds

By Jess Simms It’s not easy to get your work published. I know this from both sides of the table as a fiction writer as well as Managing Editor of the literary journal After Happy Hour. The journal’s acceptance rate is around 3%, meaning we say “no” about 32 times for every time we say…

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