Issue Five Hundred Ninety One

7 Literary Journals that Accept Humorous Writing

Literary Journals as a whole lean towards serious writing, which means that writers that lean towards comedy are often left out. All of these journals focus on, or have a strong history of, publishing writing that is humorous. Please read their submission guidelines carefully and consider fit before submitting. Lowestoft ChronicleLowestoft Chronicle is an online…

The Secret Sauce for Pitches and Blurbs

By Lynne Curry It wasn’t until a development editor said, “You’ve written a reader-facing novel” that I got it. The secret sauce I’d missed for years that would make my blurbs, pitches, stories, and author newsletters sing. If you’ve read craft articles on blurb and pitch writing, you’ve built the foundation you need. Add this…

The Nomad: Now Seeking Submissions

The Nomad is a new literary journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, book reviews, letters, and essays. Their aim is to find forgotten literary treasures, and to publish them. They invite each author to submit two of their favorite pieces—one published and one unpublished. In doing so, they hope to create a space for writing that…

Truth and Reconciliation Day – September 30th

As some of our readers know, Authors Publish has been based in Canada for the last seven years, though I am a dual citizen of Canada and the United States. Every year now on September 30th, Canada honors National Truth and Reconciliation Day, as a federal holiday. The day honors the lost children and survivors…

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