Issue Five Hundred Seventy Four

How to Find Publishers Open to Direct Submissions

This article links to all of the websites I know of that list or link to manuscript publishers. I use these resources to find publishers to review, in addition to spending a lot of time at libraries and bookstores, finding publishers there. Note that a lot of the publishers you’ll turn up at the following…

Twelve Mile Review: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Update June 1st 2024: They have closed to submissions after receiving enough submissions. They say “We will begin reading for Winter 2024 on July 1, 2024.” Twelve Mile Review is a biannual print publication of poetry, established in 2021 and edited by two poets. They publish a wide range of forms and styles, but they…

Fourteen Famous Authors Who Didn’t Get Published Until Their Fifties (Or Older)

Often people tell me they are too old to become a writer. Sometimes these people are in their thirties or forties, sometimes they are in their fifties and sixties. But the fact remains the same, no matter how old you are, you are not to0 old to become a writer. Many authors started writing later…

We Need to Talk About the Third Draft

By Andrew Park Third drafts? No-one told us about third drafts! If you’re a newbie writer ploughing through the first draft of your first novel, the idea of a third draft may cause you no end of dismay. “When,” you may ask yourself, “will this thing ever be finished?” The optimistic answer — at least…

  • Manuscript Publishers By Category

  • Literary Journals By Category