Issue Five Hundred Seventy Three

Arcadia Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Quercus Publishing, an imprint of Hachette, is re-branding their speculative fiction imprint Jo Fletcher Books as Arcadia Books. It will remain the only imprint of Quercus that accepts unsolicited submissions and it will stay open to submissions of science fiction, fantasy, and horror manuscripts for adults. They will also now consider YA/Crossover books as long…

The Dawn Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Dawn Review is an online journal that seeks to publish the best writing they can find, without genre restrictions or stylistic preferences: “we believe that creative expression is most powerful without the constraint of categorization.” They publish both new and established authors, of all ages and demographics. Their issues often feature high schoolers and…

5 Things Being an Editor Has Taught Me About Rejection

By Winifred Òdúnóku Many writers have their unique rejection stories to tell. Some rejections can be so demoralising that they make a writer stop submitting to a particular magazine, and there are those – the encouraging ones – that push writers to move out of their comfort zones. Meanwhile, some writers enjoy celebrating milestones of…

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