Issue Four Hundred Twenty Three

Young Dragons: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Young Dragons is a traditional independent publisher focused on publishing books for children. They publish picture books as well as middle grade fiction. They used to be part of a larger press Oghma, but at some point that press underwent a major re-branding and is now called Roan & Weatherford. There is no mention of…

Soft Skull Press: Accepting Submissions till July 20th

Updated July 27th, 2021: They have annonced “We will reopen unagented manuscript submissions on Submittable beginning Tuesday, August 3rd at 12:01am ET (9:01pm PT on 8/2), and ending Wednesday, August 4th at 11:59pm ET/8:59pm PT.” Updated: July 19th 2021.  They have closed early to submissions without announcing any change on their website, or their Twitter…

Three Platforms for Serialized Fiction

Holly Garcia Do you feel overwhelmed by the thought of writing an entire novel cover to cover without feedback? Maybe you’re a new author who hasn’t found their audience yet. Or perhaps you’re an established author who is looking to try out a new genre, but you aren’t sure how your current audience will react…

the other side of hope: Now Seeking Submissions

the other side of hope is a new journal dedicated to showcasing writing by authors who are immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. The journal is also edited by immigrants and refugees, and aims to serve the immigrant and refugee community worldwide. They pay authors £100 for work published in the print issue, and £50 for…

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