Issue One Hundred Fifty Two

Black Elephant: Now Accepting Submissions

Black Elephant is a new online and soon-to-be print journal hoping to shake up the literary landscape with boundary-breaking new writing. They want to showcase voices that challenge convention and defy form. They want to celebrate stories, poems, essays, spoken word pieces, photographs, and short films that speak subtly and viscerally, with textured layers of…

Happy Third Birthday Authors Publish!

It seems so strange to me now that Authors Publish has been around for three years now. When we started out we reviewed two literary journals every week and had one feature article and a writing prompt. By our first birthday we were reviewing one literary journal and one manuscript publisher every week. The writing…

Jolly Fish Press: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Queries

Updated March 8th 2024 Jolly Fish Press was started in 2012. They are based out of Provo, Utah. Their authors have won numerous awards. They initially published a wide range of genres for adults, children, and young adults. They are now part of North Star Editions. They now only publish middle-grade and young adult books….

How #PitMad Works: Instantly Pitch Book Publishers Via Twitter

Written By Rebecca Ann Smith #PitMad is a quarterly Twitter pitch party coordinated by writer and social media guru Brenda Drake. There was an event on 17 March 2016 and I decided to give it a try. There are several Twitter pitching events out there and they all have slightly different rules and entry requirements….

#PitMad About You: 3 Authors Discuss Pitching via #Pitmad

To learn more about what #PitMad  is read Rebecca Ann Smith‘s article about how #PitMad works. If Twitter is a writer’s playground, then “pitch parties” are that spinning-platform-of-death thingy that makes you giddy, terrified, and nauseous. Of all the pitch parties out there, #PitMad may be the most reputable. But what is it? To find…

How to Write a Query Letter That Gets You An Agent

You have completed your first novel. You have edited it a number of times. You have already put a considerable amount of work into it, but it is not a book yet, it’s still a manuscript, not to be found in bookstores, but on your hard drive. You have reached the turning point. Now the…

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