Issue Three Hundred Fifty Five

The Feminist Press

The Feminist Press was established as an independent nonprofit literary publisher in 1970.  The Feminist Press is the oldest women’s publishing house in the world. They are open to submission from female/female identifying, and non binary authors. They publish literary fiction and works of nonfiction. It is easy to get a feel for what they…

Sixth Finch: Now Seeking Submissions

Sixth Finch is a well-established and respected online poetry journal edited by poet Rob MacDonald. Founded in 2008 with the goal of offering readers premier poetry and art for free, Sixth Finch continues to build a reputation for literary excellence. Simple, stunning design and great poetry have earned the journal many accolades. Work originally published…

How to Know When Your Work is Ready to Submit

By Adele Annesi Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, short pieces or books, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is submitting your work too soon. This holds true no matter how long you’ve been writing or what project you’re working on. Wherever you are in your writing career, there are guidelines to follow…

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