
Building a Writing Career from Small Wins

By Sabyasachi Roy Writing careers are not made overnight. Almost no one starts by landing a book deal with Random House or, for that matter, scoring a column in The New York Times. It is about piecing together a mosaic of small wins. Most successful writers had to follow this labored path — tiny, unimpressive…

9 Manuscript Publishers Open to Submissions in February 2025

This list focuses on nine publishers that we are excited about that are open to submissions this month. Some are only open for a short period of time, others will be open the whole month and beyond. At least four of these are presses we have not covered previously. Please note that if a publisher…

Wyldcraft: Now Seeking Submissions

Wyldcraft is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and experimental forms, “dedicated to elevating the voices of emerging writers.” They define themselves as, “a grassroots, female-run publication,” and they like writing that’s spiritual (but not necessarily religious), ecological, feminist, and witty. They also aim to be an inclusive journal that removes traditional barriers to…

Five Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Adopting a Pen Name

One of the questions I get asked the most is, “Should I use a pen name?” As someone who has used a pen name for over a decade, I think most people shouldn’t use a pen name. Now there are some legitimate reasons to use pen name, but for most writers pen names cause a…

14 Magazines and Anthologies Accepting Historical Fiction

These magazines and anthologies accept historical fiction. Most of them also accept fiction in other genres and a few also accept nonfiction and poetry. A few of them pay writers. Not all are currently open to submissions. Killer Nashville MagazineThey publish works in any genre that incorporate “elements of mystery, thriller, suspense, and/or romance ……

Syncopation Literary Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Syncopation is a journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry inspired by music. They accept writing by new, emerging, and established authors, both musicians and non-musicians alike. You can read the journal online to get a sense of what they publish. Syncopation is helmed in Canada, and the journal has been published online since 2022. So…

Writing in the Age of Short Attention Spans: Crafting Stories that Stick

By Sabyasachi Roy Let’s start with the elephant in the room, a.k.a. to the point: people don’t have the patience for long-winded setups anymore. Like it or not, we are in the middle of a world of endless swipes, dings, and dopamine hits. This presents a high-stakes challenge, especially for writers, how do you keep…

Notes From the Editor’s Desk: January 2025

Author Sues Their Agent & Publisher Over Copyright Infringement; John Klassen on the Art of the Board Book; 7 Publishing Opportunities This is a new monthly feature, that we are trying out. This monthly column will be published on the fourth Thursday of every month. It will be divided into three sections of varying length….

Viridine: Now Seeking Submissions

Viridine is a new online journal of poetry, fiction, and scripts. They accept submissions from new, emerging, and established authors of all ages, but they especially hope to showcase writing by authors over the age of 30: “Talent and creativity are age-inclusive, and we believe age should not be a barrier to success.” Viridine is…

Writing Without an Audience in Mind: Embracing the Journey of Self-Expression

By Sabyasachi Roy Most writers, if not all, start their journey with aspirations of getting published. This includes the dream of gaining recognition or connecting with a wide audience. There is, however, a frequently neglected element of writing. It possesses a transformative potential, and that is creating solely for oneself. We live, whether we like…

Steam Ticket: Now Seeking Submissions

Written by Ella Peary Steam Ticket is an established, nationally distributed print journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The journal is produced by students at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, and they publish a wide range of new, emerging, and well-known writers. You can get a sense of what they like by reading a…

73 Opportunities for Historically Underrepresented Writers (January 2025)

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

RESEARCH: What To Look for and Where to Find It

Nancy Burkhalter, PhD Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, regardless of genre or topic, research will probably be on your agenda; for historical novelists, it is de rigueur. So, where to start? The acronym PERSIA may help. Each letter stands for a category of analysis: Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic. Facts drawn from…

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in January 2025

These magazines accept fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all are open for submissions through the month. Three-Lobed Burning EyeThis magazine publishes horror, fantasy, and science fiction. “We’re looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, Weird…

wildscape. literary journal: Now Seeking Submissions

wildscape. is a new online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art. They love both whimsical and story-driven writing that evokes deep feeling: “Our goal is to blend whimsy with chaos, ethereal with truth, gentle with wild. We want to make you feel.” You can get a sense of what they like by reading the…

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