
Spank the Carp: Now Seeking Submissions

Spank the Carp is an established online publication of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They publish approachable writing that appeals to a broad audience, and they avoid writing that’s pretentious or frustratingly perplexing. They aim to, “invite readers to wade into the literary stream, not make them afraid of water for fear it’s too cold.” Since…

How Writers Can Benefit From Attending Local Book Fairs and Comic Cons

 By Ellen Levitt         I live in a city that plays host to lots of fun events that can also be beneficial to my writing career. There are free events such as book festivals and pricier gatherings such as Comic Con. Both types of events provide me with opportunities for schmoozing with magazine, website and book…

New Year, New Opportunities for Writers in January 2023

It’s a brand new year! As we go forward with our resolutions, we hope we will achieve our writing and publishing goals. On the January list, we’ve included open calls – reproduced from their respective websites – in journalism, book prizes, and other opportunities available to all disciplines which may include Creative Writing, Journalism or…

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in January 2023

These magazines publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, and they’re a mix of literary and genre outlets. Not all of them are open through the month. Solarpunk Magazine They publish solarpunk fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Nonfiction/essay submissions are accepted year-round; fiction and poetry are open periodically. Deadline: 14 January 2023 Length: 1,500-7,500 words for fiction; 1,000-2,000…

Enchanted Lion: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated March 4th, 2025 Enchanted Lion is a children’s book publisher based in Brooklyn that was founded in 2003. You can learn more about their team here. Their books are well designed, engaging, and have great covers. Many of the books they have published have been featured in the New York Times, and won awards….

Presence Haiku Journal: Now Seeking Submissions

Presence is an established and selective publisher of haiku, senryu, tanka, haibun, and other related short-form poetry. As Britain’s foremost independent haiku journal, they are looking for quality writing. They publish both emerging and established haiku authors. Presence is published three times a year in print. They also publish selections from the journal online. Each…

No Sweat Marketing

By Michael Barrington Marketing one’s books can at times appear to be a daunting task. Like most authors I have a well-developed plan which includes good use of social media, a solid website from which I also blog, make an occasional presentation and promote my books by writing articles for various magazines. But over the…

BearManor Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated July 30th 2024: They appear to no longer be publishing books. In fact most of their announced catalogue for 2023 was never published. They have not published anything in 2024 that I could find. I would steer clear. BearManor Media is a independent press that focuses on publishing nonfiction books about the entertainment industry….

Chaotic Merge: Now Seeking Submissions

Chaotic Merge is a print and online publication featuring poetry, fiction, nonfiction, flash writing, screenplays/plays, artwork, and short films. Their name reflects both the writing process—the act of merging thoughts to create order from chaos—and their own publishing process—the act of gathering diverse voices to create each issue of Chaotic Merge. Chaotic Merge was established…

14 Myths About Writers

What does it mean to be a writer? People have strong opinions. Many of them are true, many are wrong. There are so many false assumptions, clichés, and myths out there surrounding writers. Some of these myths contain some level of truth, others are nothing but rumors and a singular memorable example. Here are 14…

Defuncted: Now Seeking Submissions

Defuncted is an online journal that reprints writing previously published in literary journals that are now defunct. They do not publish new writing, or writing that appears in journals that are still running. Defuncted is solely, “a collection of abandoned things.” Defuncted was established in 2018, and since then they’ve re-published around 80 pieces of…

How to Keep Writing a Story When You Don’t Know What Happens Next

By Dawn Colclasure It can happen to any writer: A brilliant opening scene for a story or novel suddenly pops into their head. The writer gets excited by this particular scene and feels confident of banging out that story or first chapter in one go. They rush to the desk and get to work, writing…

Dancing Lemur Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Dancing Lemur Press is a small US Press that has been actively publishing work since 2009. They are based in North Carolina and seem to regularly participate in local events. They don’t have active distribution, which is to say that although they are distributed with Ingram, Ingram is not actively involved in placing their books…

Ballast: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Ballast is a brand-new online poetry journal. They hope to showcase a broad range of poetic forms, including long poems, visual poems, translations, and more. And they’re open to all styles. They just want poetry that makes an impact and makes meaning: “Send us your ports in the storm. Send us your storms.” Ballast hasn’t…

When Less is More: The Art of Flash Fiction

By Emily-Jane Hills Orford “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” This is one of the most quoted six-word stories in history. It’s believed to have been written by Ernest Hemingway sometime in the 1920s, as a bet to prove that he could write a complete short, very short story. Since this oft-quoted short short, countless…

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