
RESEARCH: What To Look for and Where to Find It

Nancy Burkhalter, PhD Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, regardless of genre or topic, research will probably be on your agenda; for historical novelists, it is de rigueur. So, where to start? The acronym PERSIA may help. Each letter stands for a category of analysis: Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Intellectual, and Artistic. Facts drawn from…

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in January 2025

These magazines accept fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all are open for submissions through the month. Three-Lobed Burning EyeThis magazine publishes horror, fantasy, and science fiction. “We’re looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, Weird…

wildscape. literary journal: Now Seeking Submissions

wildscape. is a new online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and art. They love both whimsical and story-driven writing that evokes deep feeling: “Our goal is to blend whimsy with chaos, ethereal with truth, gentle with wild. We want to make you feel.” You can get a sense of what they like by reading the…

The One Simple Tool that Helped Me Sustain a Writing Practice

Over the last few years, I have found it harder and harder to carve time for myself to write. While sometimes I was able to sneak in a poem (or 30 during April, due to a supportive poetry month writing group), I particularly struggled with focusing in on longer manuscript length projects. As someone who…

10 Manuscript Publishers Open to Submissions in January 2025

This list focuses on ten publishers that we are excited about that are open to submissions this month. Some are only open for a short period of time, others will be open the whole month and beyond. At least four of these are presses we have not covered previously. Please note that if a publisher…

Frivolous Comma: Now Seeking Anthology Submissions

Frivolous Comma is an online space intended to inspire creators of speculative writing of all kinds: science fiction, fantasy, horror, and “any other genre that puts a twist on how we perceive the world and everything in it.” They publish speculative stories and articles about speculative fiction, and they also have a podcast. Now through…

9 Reasons Why I Love Having My Newsletter on Substack

By Isha Jain Fed up with the long waiting periods and numerous rejections, I started publishing stories that couldn’t find a home elsewhere on Substack. What started as a way of publishing my work has now become a full-time focus for me due to the various advantages Substack provides to the creators. Here are some…

Notes from the Editor’s Desk: December 2024

Sourcebooks launching audio imprint; Goodreads Choice Awards; and some writing opportunities. This is a new monthly feature, that we are trying out. We will only continue it if it develops a following. This monthly column will be published on the fourth Thursday of every month. It will be divided into three sections of varying length….

Cosmic Daffodil: Now Seeking Submissions

Cosmic Daffodil is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. They like writing that carries the reader away and evokes deep emotion. They are a relatively approachable publisher, accepting around 27% of the writing they receive. They were featured by Chill Subs as one of the 25 best lit mags of 2023. Cosmic…

10 Feminist Literary Magazines and Anthologies

These magazines / anthologies accept feminist fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and reviews. They are a mix of literary and genre magazines. Many of them pay. Not all are open for submissions now. They’re listed in no particular order. The Last Girls ClubThis is a feminist horror magazine “that publishes international short stories and poems from the…

Writing Fiction: When to Consider Summary

By Sherry Shahan As a fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants writer, my early drafts spill over with excess words. I’m fascinated by my characters and long to be part of their daily lives. Pages fill as soon as my protagonist rolls from bed each morning. And then there’s breakfast . . . The show-don’t-tell edict was etched into my…

The Meadow: Now Seeking Submissions

The Meadow is a journal of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction produced and published by the students at Truckee Meadow Community College in Reno, Nevada. The journal features writing by both new and established authors, such as Kim Barnes, Bob Hicok, and Alyson Hagy. Writing published in The Meadow has gone on to receive recognition in…

77 Opportunities for Historically Underrepresented Writers (December 2024)

This list of publishers meet our guiding principles, but are only open to free submissions from historically underrepresented writers or focus on publishing content produced by historically underrepresented writers. Some of these publications are open to a wide range of writers including writers of color, gender non-conforming and LGBTQ+ writers, and those living with disabilities….

National Parks and Creative Nonfiction: How Unexpected Writing Opportunities Can Boost Your Literary Career

By Felix Bill If you’d told me a year ago that my first three publications and my first writing grant would be for creative nonfiction, I’d have been baffled. When I started writing, my stories were dyed-in-the-wool speculative. Amid myth retellings and narratives that go bump in the night, I never expected to write anything…

Five Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in December 2024

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre magazines. Not all of them are open through the month. The Ex-PuritanThis Canadian literary magazine publishes fiction, nonfiction, experimental/hybrid work, interviews, reviews, poetry, and poetry in translation. The deadline is 25 December, or until filled, for the next issue;…

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