
Farrar, Straus and Giroux: Open to Submissions

Updated on April 21st, 2020 – They have closed to unsolicited submissions. We will update if this changes at any point, but I don’t think this is a temporary change. Farrar, Straus and Giroux (FSG) is open to direct submissions. They are an imprint of Macmillan, one of the Big Five publishers. They focus on…

Scrivener Creative Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 1980, Scrivener Creative Review is a well-established print and electronic journal seeking poetry, fiction, and visual art. The journal is housed at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. In its forty-year publication history, Scrivener Creative Review has showcased established authors such as Louis Dudek and George Elliot Clarke, as well as emerging authors. You…

It’s a Performance: Reading Your Work in Public

By Tom Sigafoos What are your worst fears? According to a legendary survey, most people are afraid of three things, in this order: Snakes Death Public Speaking Whether that survey was apocryphal or scientific, there’s a germ of truth in the premise: most people dread the idea of speaking in front of others. But reading…

Bedazzled Ink: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated January 31st 2020: They have temporarily closed to submissions. Check their website (link at the bottom) for updates.  They are a small press that focuses on publishing women and women-identifying authors. The books they publish are on female protagonists and the female perspective. Their mission statement is as follows: “Bedazzled Ink is dedicated to…

Flint Hills Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Flint Hills Review is a well-established print annual produced at Emporia State University. Published and distributed nationally for 24 years, Flint Hills Review has made its mark by redefining “regional writing.” They have a particular interest in writing that explores the Midwest—especially the ways in which ethnicity, gender, and relationships appear in Midwestern culture. Flint…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in January 2020

These literary markets pay writers for fiction, and some also pay for nonfiction and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and do not charge a submission fee, or they have fee-free options. Not all of them are open throughout the month. Cossmass Infinities This is a science fiction and fantasy short…

Haymarket Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Haymarket Books is an established nonfiction publisher with excellent distribution. They are interested in publishing manuscripts that are accessible to a wide range of progressive and radical political activists. These books should also be useful to an academic audience. They do not publish dissertations. They have published very established authors, including the journalist Naomi Klein,…

Delmarva Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Delmarva Review is an established print and e-book annual seeking poetry, fiction, flash fiction, creative nonfiction, and book reviews for their November 2020 publication. This independent journal was established in 2008 by The Eastern Shore Writers Association. Since then, it has grown to include authors and readers from around the world. Delmarva Review also promotes…

How to Actually Finish Your Novel

As a writer it is a lot easier to start a novel than to finish one. I started at least 5 before I ever wrote one from beginning to end. Before I finished my first novel, I would get different new ideas all the time. I wrote at least twenty first chapters before I ever…

John Blake Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated March 16th 2020, They are no longer open to direct submissions. John Blake Books has been publishing bestselling books since 1991. They focus on non-fiction, particularly on mass-market autobiographies/memoirs. They also have a music imprint, a children’s Dinosaur imprint and an imprint dedicated to history, art, humor and gift books. They are a British…

FOLDER: Now Seeking Submissions

FOLDER publishes a portfolio of one poet’s work each month. A well-established journal, they’ve showcased the work of over 100 poets both online and in their chapbook-style print magazine. They also occasionally print broadsides. Their attractive, minimalist online journal creates a quiet space for readers to focus on the featured poet. And, the print journal,…

The Importance of Writing and Exercise

Phillip Roth often said that he walked a mile for every page he wrote. He also wrote those pages standing up. Hemingway was also known for standing while he wrote, and many modern writers from John Green to Susan Orleans have been known to use a treadmill desk. The science fiction writer Kevin J. Anderson…

Next Chapter Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated April 1st, 2023: There is now another press using a similar name. It is a totally separate press and this is not a review of that press. This is a review of a now defunct imprint. Updated March 26, 2021 : Their website is still operating but they have not published a new book…

Mojave River Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Mojave River Review is an established e-journal published by Mojave River Press. Now through December 20th, they’re seeking poetry, flash fiction, flash nonfiction, and hybrid writing. They publish a wide variety of forms and styles—traditional, experimental, speculative, weird, and more. And, they’re especially interested in work related to Southwestern and desert culture, as well as…

Literary Journals: A Great Way to Promote Your Book

A literary journal is an online or print periodical devoted to literature. Literary journals usually publish short stories, poetry, and essays. Most focus on general literature, but there are others with more specialized interests such as science fiction, children’s literature, horror, and mystery. Some are just focused on a specific subject matter. For example there…

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