
Amberley Books: Now Seeking Book Proposals

Amberley is a UK based publisher that focuses on publishing historical books. They only publish nonfiction. The books they publish include regional history, specialist history and general history. They have published well over 2,000 titles. Their distributor is Casemates, and their books are widely available, particularly in the UK. They offer writers an advance, but…

Eye to the Telescope: Now Seeking Speculative Poetry

An established online journal of speculative poetry, Eye to the Telescope is seeking submissions for their 33rd issue: “Infection,” edited by Sara Tantlinger. Since 2011, Eye to the Telescope has published science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other speculative poetry in their quarterly, themed journal. The project boasts the backing of the Science Fiction & Fantasy…

The Benefits of Embracing Multiple Forms of Writing

I’ve loved writing since I was a child, but I suppose I didn’t consider myself a ‘real’ writer until I finally published my first novel in 2013. If you’d asked me back then, what else I wrote, I would have said nothing. In my mind, I was a novel writer and nothing more. In fact,…

Carrel Books: Now Seeking Manuscript Submissions

Carrel Books is a non-fiction imprint of Skyhorse Publishing. They have major distribution and while Skyhorse’s past reputation has been a little mixed, they seem to be doing well for a while now. Carrel Books was founded in 2014. It’s an unusual imprint because, while its books are available for purchase from the public, they…

SICK: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand-new magazine written by people experiencing chronic illness and disability, SICK is seeking submissions for online publication. They publish thoughtful writing on a wide variety of topics: arts, culture, politics, feminism, lifestyle, sports, music, literature, and more. SICK hopes to showcase the unique perspectives of people experiencing chronic illness and disability, in relation to…

9 Free Writing Contests

Natalia Bulat The following 9 fee free writing contests are divided into two categories, fiction and non-fiction. All contests offer cash prizes. Fiction 1. Drue Heinz Literature Prize. They consider unpublished manuscripts of short stories, two or more novellas (length of a novella is up to 130 pages) or a combination of a novella (novellas)…

Angry Robot: Open to Manuscript Submissions

Angry Robot is a respected science fiction and fantasy publisher that occasionally dips into related genres (such as urban fantasy, steampunk, and horror). Angry Robot was originally funded by HarperCollins. They offer advances and good royalty rates. The contract they offer covers print, e-book, and audio book rights. They are based in the UK but…

Terra Preta Review: Now Seeking Submissions

A brand-new online journal that pays contributors, Terra Preta Review is seeking poetry, translations, creative non-fiction, craft essays, literary reviews, art, collages, and photography for their second edition, scheduled for publication in September. Terra Preta is named after an uncommonly rich Amazonian soil, formed from ancient indigenous trash heaps. Just as Terra Preta’s fertility arises…

How to Network with Other Authors

Kia Carrington-Russell It can be daunting to meet and network with fellow writers and authors. Especially, when you are new to the community. With these few tips, you will realize it’s not as scary as it initially seems, and you’ll be in a supportive group and network in no time. The easiest and most immediate…

Eraserhead Press: Open to Submissions of Bizarro Fiction

Eraserhead Press is a small publisher based out of Portland, Oregon that focuses on publishing Bizarro Fiction. Be sure you are familiar with the genre before submitting.  They are not interested in any work cannot be categorized as Bizarro. They are a print and e-Book publisher. Eraserhead Press was established in 1999. They have a…

Tiny Flames Press: Now Seeking Submissions

An online space for “Divine Creators.” Established in 2018, Tiny Flames Press is seeking poetry, fiction, and nonfiction born from fiery bellies and blazing hearts. They’re burning for mysteries and moons, flaming loves and open wounds. You can get a sense of their style by reading their journal online. Tiny Flames Press publishes new content…

How to use LinkedIn to Build Your Profile as a Creative Writer

— Ben Graff Writing is identity. Whether we write novels, short stories, poetry or something else entirely, every piece of work is precious. Yet it is all too easy to become so absorbed by our work that we miss opportunities to tell the most important story of all. Namely, that of who we are as…

Pan Macmillan Australia: Now Accepting Submissions

Last Updated June 12th, 2023 Pan Macmillan Australia is open to direct submissions. They are the Austalian imprint of Macmillian, one of the big five publishers. This is the only way to submit to Macmillan directly. They have excellent distribution in Australia. This is what they are currently seeking according to their website: Fiction Contemporary…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in May 2019

These literary markets are open during May 2019. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and all of these pay writers. One Story They accept literary fiction stories, on any style or subject, that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone. They will also consider certain reprints (stories that…

Zoetrope: An Excellent Source of Feedback for Your Writing

by Silver Damsen One of the axioms of being a writer is that one has to write. I agree; writing is the most important aspect of being a writer. If one doesn’t write, one isn’t a writer. The second most important is to publish. Unfortunately, the distance between writing and publishing can seem daunting. The…

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