
Boost Your Profile and Sales with a Podcast Tour

By Jen Kolic  Are you looking for new ways to expand your reach and find new fans? Even if the answer is yes, chances are you don’t have the time, money, and energy to start building an audience from scratch on a brand new platform. If that’s the case, a podcast tour may be just…

Woodbine House: Now Accepting Submissions

Update MARCH 2020 – Consider Defunct. No longer publishing work. Woodbine House specializes in books about developmental disabilities such as Down syndrome and autism. The books they publish are written for and about children with certain disabilities. Their titles cover AD/HD, autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, early intervention, inclusion, special education, communication skills, and more….

Small Orange: Now Seeking Submissions

A new online poetry journal, Small Orange is seeking aesthetically pleasing, meaningful verse in all forms and styles. Published three times a year in October, January, and April, each issue of Small Orange showcases seven poets and one visual artist, and includes one interview. Small Orange also occasionally considers creative nonfiction for publication. The visual…

How to Promote Your Poetry Without Paying A Penny

Many writers ask me this question all the time: “How do you promote your poetry without paying anyone?” There is more then one answer to this question, but it mostly comes back to hard work. In my experience, outside of paying to enter contests, it is very easy to promote one’s work for free. Here…

Tradewind Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Tradewind Books is a small publisher of  books for children and young adults located in British Columbia, Canada. They publish beautifully illustrated books, chapter books, books for middle grade readers, and for young adults. They publish primarily fiction but also some poetry. They are not interested in nonfiction. It is important to note that they…

Cherry Tree: Now Seeking Submissions

Since its debut in 2015, Cherry Tree—a print journal of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction—has received many accolades. Poems published in Cherry Tree have gone on to be featured in The Best American Poetry and Verse Daily. Produced by Washington College, Cherry Tree is published under the imprint of Literary House Press, the publishing branch…

Where to Write

Written by Geary Smith Several years ago, while vacationing with the family in Key West, Florida, I can remember looking up at the home of Ernest Hemingway, especially, the small window that looked out over the Atlantic Ocean. I thought about Ernest Hemingway sitting in his chair and in his favorite place. As I took…

Twelfth Planet Press: Now Seeking Novella Submissions

Twelfth Planet Press is a small electronic press focusing primarily on publishing novellas by women and other marginalized writers in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror and more recently, crime. They particularly hope to publish Australian writers but they have had no geographic limits on their recent submission calls. They really want to publish…

Muzzle Magazine: Now Seeking Poetry Submissions

Since 2010, Muzzle Magazine has been publishing creative work that creates the future, poetry “of revolution and revelation.” The only online literary magazine in 2010 to be named by Library Journal as one of the best new periodicals, Muzzle has lived up to its early accolades. Poems published in Muzzle have been selected for Best…

How to Make Time for Writing

“All writers have this vague hope that the elves will come in the night and finish any stories.” ― Neil Gaiman Time for writing doesn’t make itself. This might seem like a ridiculously obvious statement, yet it is a trap writers fall into all the time, myself included. If you have a good writing habit…

Timber Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Timber Press was founded in 1978 and publishes work about the natural world by experts in the fields of gardening, horticulture, and natural history. They were bought by the Workman Publishing Company in 2006. In 2021 Workman Publishing became part of the Hachette Book Group. Timber Press is recognized internationally as a leading gardening publisher…

Cotton Xenomorph: Now Seeking Submissions

A new, fast-growing online literary journal offering brilliant poetry and fiction as an alternative to the language of oppression. Cotton Xenomorph hopes to broadcast new voices and contribute to conversations on social justice. You can get an idea of what they publish by reading the journal online. Cotton Xenomorph is published online on a rolling…

How to Handle an Elevator Pitch

by Wendy S. Delmater Imagine you’re sharing an elevator with your dream editor, and have the length of the ride to interest them in your book. That’s the scenario behind the idea of an “elevator pitch.” You have to be able to interest the editor in a very brief period of time, to hook them…

Fireside Fiction: Seeking Book Submissions Until August 31st

Updated June 2022: They have announced their permanent closure. UPDATED October 30th, 2019: Fireside Fiction has severed without announcment or explantion a number of author contracts. You can read more about it here.  I would not recommend submitting to them at this time. Fireside Fiction is the publisher of novels and novellas as well as…

How a Kitchen Timer Made Me a Better Writer

By John Dorroh One day in December while administering fall exams to my high school science students, a friend dropped by the school to leave me a gift before she traveled home for the holidays. (That was a different time, when visitors were welcomed into the schools without a pat-down.) The gift was a book…

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