Literary Journals Publishing Creative Non Fiction

The Journal: Now Open To Submissions

Founded in 1973, The Journal is a longstanding print and online publication produced by Ohio State University. Debuting emerging writers alongside established authors like Mary Jo Bang, Brenda Hillman, and Linda Bierds, The Journal contributes substantially to the literary culture in its home state and beyond. Recently, poems appearing in The Journal were reprinted the…

The Gravity of the Thing: Submission Guidelines

The Gravity of the Thing is an online literary magazine devoted to publishing original fiction, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. Their journal aims to present everyday objects in uncommon ways, to defamiliarize the reader with the ordinary, making it new and strange. They want their readers to be taken on a journey, to experience transformation that…

Cream City Review: Now Accepting Submissions

Hailing from “The Cream City”—Milwaukee, Wisconsin—Cream City Review is a print journal dedicated to publishing poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, visual art, comics, contemporary literary reviews, and author interviews. Founded in 1975, Cream City Review offers both new and established writers a stable and enduring home for their work. Publishing poet laureates alongside literary unknowns, they…

Blue Bonnet Review

UPDATE: The Blue Bonnet Review is temporarily closed to new submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience. Blue Bonnet Review is a literary journal based out of Houston, Texas. They are based out of Texas but they encourage individuals around the world to submit.  They publish poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. They also publish works in Spanish,…

The Missouri Review: Accepting Submissions

The Missouri Review is a literary journal that has been around for over 30 years and they publish four quality print issues a year. Digital editions are now also available. They publish short stories, poetry, and non-fiction. Work that first appeared in The Missouri Review has been anthologized in Best American Short Stories, Best American…

The Collagist: Now Accepting Submissions

The Collagist is a literary journal published by Dzanc Books. They are an electronic publication. They publish short fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and excerpts from longer works. They are open to submissions until July 31st. They reopen to submissions in October. They publish one issue on the 15th of every month. They are a highly respected…

94 Creations: Now Accepting Submissions of Short Stories, Essays, and Poetry

94 Creations is a print literary journal that publishes two issues every year. They publish short stories, non-fiction, and poetry, by new and emerging authors. The work they gravitate towards is gritty and offbeat. 94 Creations is based out of  Louisville, Kentucky. They are open to submissions from June 1st till August 31st. Work submitted…

Three Themed Calls For Submissions

The following three magazines publish diverse work. Some are print magazines, others electronic. But all of them are reading for a themed issue and all of them close to new submissions before the end of July. Below is a brief review of each of the journals as well as information about the theme they are…

Memoirabilia: Now Accepting Submissions

Memoirabilia is a new journal for writers who are interested in or have already written their memoirs. Both print and an e-version of the magazine are available for purchase from its website. Each issue contains tips and suggestions on how to get started and stay motivated. These short informative articles, written by established memoir writers,…

Two Anthologies Now Accepting Submissions

Anthologies are a great opportunity to get your writing into bookstores. They generally have a wider distribution than literary journals and they have a longer shelf life. Anthologies are also a great way to establish a relationship with a publisher. Below are two opportunities to get your work published in an anthology. Each of these…

Barrelhouse: Now Accepting Submissions

Update: BarrelHouse Just closed to submissions. We apologize for the inconvenience. Barrelhouse is a respected and prestigious literary journal that accepts very few of the submissions it receives. They are primarily a biannual print publication, but they also have an online edition that publishes different work as well.  They publish poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, and…

The Eunoia Review: Accepting Submissions

Based in Singapore and founded in October 2010, the Eunoia Review is a literary journal that accepts submissions all year long. The Review aims to showcase work that exemplifies “beautiful thinking.” They usually print original, unpublished poetry, fiction and creative non-fiction, though they accept the occasional reprint, provided the writer still owns his/her rights to…

The Wardrobe: Open to Submissions

The Wardrobe is an online journal based out of the UK. They publish writers of all nationalities. However, the work they publish focuses on a very specific subject: clothes. You can choose to interpret this theme in any number of ways, but to ignore it completely is to ensure rejection. This is how the journals…

6 Cover Letter Mistakes That Can Ruin The Chance of Publication

As the editor of a literary magazine and chapbook press, I read a lot of query letters – and I mean a lot. Last year the total number of submissions received was over two thousand, not including chapbook proposals or microfiction submissions. After reading through that many cover letters year after year, I’ve started to…

Salt Hill Literary Journal: Now Accepting Submissions

Salt Hill is a literary journal that is associated with the graduate program at Syracuse University. They publish two print issues a year. They are a respected and established literary journal that has published many famous poets and writers including Edwidge Danticat, Denise Duhamel, Lucia Perillo, Bob Hicok, and Charles Simic. They use the submission…

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