Literary Journals Publishing Fiction

The Capra Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Established in 2014, The Capra Review is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, and art. They publish a wide variety of forms and styles for a broad audience. The editors of The Capra Review view their work as a dare—they dare you to read closely and uncover their buried obsessions, or yours. The Capra Review…

The Brooklyn Review: Now Seeking Submissions

UPDATED: They are currently closed to submissions. I apologize for the inconvenience. From Brooklyn College of The City University of New York—where John Ashbery and Allen Ginsberg once taught—The Brooklyn Review has offered almost 30 years of exceptional poetry, fiction, and performance texts. They’ve published work by literary cornerstones such as Ann Lauterbach, Wayne Koestenbaum,…

Asymmetry: Now Seeking Submissions

An online magazine of short speculative fiction, Asymmetry is seeking the best writing out there in the following categories: fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, experimental fiction, horror, slipstream, absurdism, weird fiction, bizzaro fiction, and anything else “interesting.” You can get a sense of what they like by browsing the magazine online, and you can get…

Barrelhouse: Now Accepting Submissions from Unpublished Writers

Barrelhouse is a respected and prestigious literary journal that accepts very few of the submissions it receives. They are primarily a biannual print publication, but they also have an online edition that publishes different work as well.  They publish poetry, short fiction, non-fiction, and flash fiction. They like to publish well crafted writing with a…

The Apple Valley Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 2006, The Apple Valley Review is a well-established and selective journal of poetry, fiction, and essays. Published twice a year online, in the spring and fall, the journal features finely crafted writing with both mainstream and literary appeal. They prefer work that is accessible and at the same time skillfully honed. To get…

The Other Stories Podcast: Now Seeking Fiction Submissions

The Other Stories is a weekly literary podcast. Each episode features one author and begins with an interview about the author’s writing—their influences, motivations, processes, and goals. Then, the author reads a short story and the interviewer asks the author questions about the story. Each episode is set to original music, scored uniquely for the…

The Wyrd: Now Seeking Submissions

Based in South Africa, The Wyrd is an online journal of slipstream, speculative, and weird prose. They walk between genres the way some people walk down untraveled roads. And, like the surprises that inevitably meet such travelers, the stories in The Wyrd are memorable, uncanny, and unexpected all at once. The best way to get…

Ascent: Now Seeking Submissions

Helmed at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, Ascent is a literary journal of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and photography. Since 1975, they’ve curated a collection of the best work from select emerging and established writers. Previously a print publication, they transitioned to an online format in 2009. Since then, they’ve published and archived the work of…

Thrice Fiction: Seeking Submissions Until April 30

The brainchild of RW Spryszak, a player in the alternative zine scene of the 80’s and 90’s, Thrice Fiction is a modern resurrection of the literary sub-culture out of which altzines were born. In addition to invoking the spirit of the merry pranksters of yore, Thrice Fiction hopes to give that spirit a new body…

Soft Cartel: Now Seeking Submissions of Poetry and Prose

Soft Cartel, an online magazine of poetry and prose, believes that literature can have a life—and that it can even have fun. They like playful experiments and heartfelt dashes into the unknown. They’re tired of worn-out stories and exclusionary, high-fiving cliques. They’re open—to brand new experiences and submissions to match. Soft Cartel accepts submissions all…

Taxicab Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Born out of a craving for more literature to love, Taxicab Magazine was, according to its makers, “thrown into a frying pan with the hesitancy of all great things.” It’s an American venture by creed, pioneering and accepting all corners of our shared and partitioned selves. They like novelties, shake-ups, and progress. They believe in…

Kingdoms in the Wild: Now Seeking Submissions

Kingdoms in the Wild, an online literary magazine launched in 2016, is seeking poetry and fiction that moves readers beyond popular issues to the underlying heart of communication, which mends all fractures. They want to showcase writing that represents the broad spectrum of our meaning-making systems, writing from all of our vast human fields: histories,…

Arkana: Now Seeking Submissions

Launched in 2016 by the students of the Arkansas Writers’ MFA Program at the University of Central Arkansas, Arkana is an online magazine of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, scriptwriting, translations, book reviews, illustrated narratives, and artwork. They aim to give a voice to the silent, a light to the mysterious, and a home to the…

Cold Creek Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Cold Creek Review is an online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and artwork that aims to submerge readers in the deep, icy waters of unsettling emotion. They hope to uncover the aesthetics of suffering, the beauty within pain. Each submission is reviewed individually by an editorial staff who discusses the work as a team, giving…

Mookychick—Now Seeking Submissions of Stories, Essays, and Reviews

Launched in 2005, Mookychick—an online publisher of fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and reviews—has evolved into a community forum for just about everything. Eclectic and inclusive, they aim to connect like minds of all varieties. From fashion to faith and everything beyond, upside-down, and in-between—Mookychick wants to know about it. The best way to get a sense…

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