Literary Journals Publishing Fiction

Remington Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Remington Review is an established online publisher of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They’re looking for the best up-and-coming authors in each genre. While they publish a wide variety of forms and styles, they’re looking for brave, evocative writing that elicits emotion. You can get a sense their style by reading Remington Review online. Remington Review…

(mac)ro(mic): Now Accepting Submissions

(mac)ro(mic) is an online journal that specializes in flash fiction and flash nonfiction. They only publish work that is 1,000 words or fewer, and they pay $15 per piece. Their website is basic, but well-designed, and visually orientated. Each published piece is accompanied by a photograph. You should read a few pieces here, before submitting,…

Once Upon a Crocodile: Now Seeking Submissions

Once Upon a Crocodile is an online publisher of humorous stories and poems. They aim to leave readers with a “mile-wide grin.” They’re especially interested in humorous and absurd fantasy and sci-fi writing with quirky characters, and they also like animal stories. Once Upon a Crocodile has been published since 2018. They’ve produced nine issues,…

Liminal Space Magazine: Accepting Submissions

Liminal Space Magazine is a new journal interested in publishing flash fiction, short stories, novel excerpts, poems, art, music, and anything else that suits their fancy. They have published one issue in the past, which you can read for free here. Current submissions will be considered for their Fall 2022 issue. The founding editors, Alex…

Lost Colony: Now Accepting Submissions

This new literary journal focuses on publishing mid-length (between 10,000 and 25,000 words) Science Fiction and Fantasy. The editor, M.E. Pickett, is an author themselves, who struggled to find markets that were open to accepting submissions of this length. They are a very new journal, but they are paying authors ($50 per story, regardless of…

Bluestem: Now Seeking Submissions

UPDATE: As of March 30th, their website is working again. Their Submittable is capped at 200 submissions per genre per month. They reached these caps and are now closed, but plan to reopen in the summer. Bluestem is a well-established online journal produced by the English Department of Eastern Illinois University. While they publish writers…

River and South Review: Now Seeking Submissions

River and South Review is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry produced by the students of the Maslow Family Graduate Program in Creative Writing at Wilkes University. They’re looking for writing that creates conversation and evokes emotion: “We want work that stays with us long after we’ve left the page.” To find out…

Zephyr Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Zephyr Review is a brand new quarterly online literary journal. Writers can submit up to three stories or poems. Stories have to be no more than 1,500 words. They publish poetry, prose, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, and artwork. I’ve never seen prose and fiction separated into categories like this, and they never clarify the difference…

Moss Puppy Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Moss Puppy Magazine is a new online and print publisher of fiction, creative nonfiction, flash writing, and poetry. Right now through April 1 they’re seeking submissions for their upcoming edition themed “Puppy Love.” They’re looking for writing about romance and, “what makes your heart howl.” In general, Moss Puppy is looking for unexpected and thoroughly…

Reliquiae: Now Seeking Submissions

Published in the United Kingdom by Corbel Stone Press, Reliquiae is a print journal of mythopoetic ecological writing. They’re interested in visionary poetry and prose exploring the themes of landscape, nature, and mythology. They’re not interested in everyday nature writing or expected mythology. They want, “submissions that refract these elements through the prism of imagination.”…

Tilted House: Now Seeking Submissions

Titled House is a New Orleans based press that publishes a print and online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, plays, and reviews. They aim to produce a diverse publication that’s, “multi-generational, multi-racial, multi-educated” and international. Although they showcase a wide range of writing, they especially love experimental work. They publish both emerging and established authors….

Short Story: Now Seeking Submissions

Short Story is an online magazine based on Substack that hopes to provide amazing short stories to subscribers, and to pay authors well. They only publish one story a month, but the published author receives $100 plus 50% of the subscription revenue. Depending on the number of subscribers, this could provide excellent payment. According to…

Minnow Literary Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Minnow Literary Magazine is an online publisher of “minnow-sized literary works and visual creative works that make a big splash.” They’re interested in micro poetry, flash fiction, and short personal essays, and they especially like writing about nature. Minnow has been published online for two years now, and so far they’ve released four quarterly issues….

Aniko Press Flash Fiction Competition: Now Seeking Submissions

Aniko Press, based in Australia, is an independent publisher of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. They aim to showcase new voices and to promote emerging authors. Right now through December 31, they’re accepting submissions for their Summer Flash Fiction Competition (it’s summer in Australia). The theme of the contest is “Delight.” The editors at Aniko…

Agapanthus Collective: Now Seeking Submissions

Agapanthus Collective is an online literary journal of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. They aim to showcase a broad range of voices, and they especially like to spotlight authors from marginalized communities. They publish both English and multilingual writing, including work in Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Japanese, and French. They also accept translations. Agapanthus…

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