Literary Journals Publishing Flash

Steam Ticket: Now Seeking Submissions

Written by Ella Peary Steam Ticket is an established, nationally distributed print journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The journal is produced by students at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, and they publish a wide range of new, emerging, and well-known writers. You can get a sense of what they like by reading a…

Vassar Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Vassar Review is a print and digital publication produced by Vassar College. They publish a wide range of writing and artwork: “We consider all artistic and literary forms, including painting, photography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, scripts, and screenplays, but also forms that often prove difficult to present, such as new media art, spoken-word poetry and performances,…

Cypress Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Cypress Review is a new online journal of “lyrical, contemplative, and contemporary” writing. While they primarily publish poetry, they also accept prose, and they like, “anything strange, surreal, and/or experimental (magical realism, speculative fiction, flash fiction, etc.).” They also appreciate all types of writing with emotional resonance: “Bring us your melancholy yet hopeful works that…

Milk Candy Review: Now Seeking Flash Fiction Submissions

Milk Candy Review is a weekly online journal of flash fiction. They publish a new flash (almost) every Thursday. And every Monday they follow that up with a two-question interview with the author who was published the previous week. Numerous flashes published in Milk Candy Review have been selected for anthologies and awards, such as…

Thought Magicians: Now Seeking Submissions

This new online literary journal is focused on philosophy. In fact as they state on their website: “Our only strict criterium is the presence of philosophical value that is expressed textually.” If you want to learn more about the platform and the people behind it, their about page is very helpful. They are based in…

Litmosphere: Now Seeking Submissions

Litmosphere is an online journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and flash writing. The journal is published by Charlotte Lit Press, an imprint of Charlotte Center for Literary Arts, a nonprofit in North Carolina. Litmosphere wants the process of submitting to be positive and connective, regardless of the outcome: “We’ve envisioned Litmosphere as an oasis in…

Sunhouse Literary: Now Seeking Submissions

Sunhouse Literary is a new online journal of poetry and flash prose. Although they accept a wide range of forms and styles, they’re especially interested in publishing experimental writing: “We’re interested in poems and stories that can’t be contained in one shape or narrative or genre. In form that’s been manipulated to house new genres….

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