Literary Journals

Reverie Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Reverie is an online journal of short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. They hope to use their journal to encourage connection and amplify unheard voices: “By fostering a welcoming community, Reverie hopes to inspire change and make art accessible to all.” Reverie is an approachable journal; they accept around 40% of the submissions they receive. You…

Vassar Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Vassar Review is a print and digital publication produced by Vassar College. They publish a wide range of writing and artwork: “We consider all artistic and literary forms, including painting, photography, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, scripts, and screenplays, but also forms that often prove difficult to present, such as new media art, spoken-word poetry and performances,…

Meetinghouse: Now Seeking Submissions

Meetinghouse is a print journal (with some content occasionally published online) produced by undergraduate students at Dartmouth College. They showcase a broad range of writing: “We welcome all forms of writing, both creative and critical.” This includes poetry, fiction, and nonfiction as well as “genre-bending & genre-blending” work (which they especially love). You can get…

Portland Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Portland Review is an established online publication of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and translations, produced by the graduate students at Portland State University’s English Department. Founded in 1956, Portland Review has published many well-known authors like Tess Gallagher, Richard Hugo, Carol Muske-Dukes, and Yusef Komunyakkaa. They also feature emerging and unpublished writers alongside these established voices….

Cypress Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Cypress Review is a new online journal of “lyrical, contemplative, and contemporary” writing. While they primarily publish poetry, they also accept prose, and they like, “anything strange, surreal, and/or experimental (magical realism, speculative fiction, flash fiction, etc.).” They also appreciate all types of writing with emotional resonance: “Bring us your melancholy yet hopeful works that…

The Imagist: Now Seeking Submissions

The Imagist is an online journal of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. The journal was originally published by and for the students at McGill University in Canada, but now submissions are open to everyone. They are looking for original writing that feels, “new, fresh, and concise.” You can find out more about what they like by…

Trollbreath Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions

Trollbreath Magazine is a new online publisher of speculative fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They publish a wide variety of genres and styles: “Our interests are as varied as the endless amount of genres, from dark fantasy to hope punk to surrealism, and everything in between.” But they especially love slipstream and fabulism. They also like…

Dishsoap Quarterly: Now Seeking Submissions

Dishsoap Quarterly is an online publication of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Self-described as a “nerdy, uncool, earnest magazine,” that is “too bad at math to care about measuring accolades against one another,” Dishsoap quarterly has a fun, contemporary online presence. They accept a wide range of styles, and you can get a sense of what…

Thirteen Bridges Review: Now Seeking Submissions

Please note: This journal was formerly called THAT Literary Review. Thirteen Bridges Review is an online and print journal produced by the Department of English and Philosophy at Auburn University at Montgomery. They seek to publish excellent fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction from around the world. They publish both emerging and established authors, and they’re…

Penstricken: Now Seeking Submissions

Penstricken is a new online journal of short fiction and poetry. Their goal is to showcase writing by new authors (though they do accept writing from authors at all levels), and to offer readers stories and poems with vivid, compelling characters. “We love stories that draw us into the beating heart of a character and…

The Nomad: Now Seeking Submissions

The Nomad is a new literary journal of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, book reviews, letters, and essays. Their aim is to find forgotten literary treasures, and to publish them. They invite each author to submit two of their favorite pieces—one published and one unpublished. In doing so, they hope to create a space for writing that…

The Cumberland River Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Cumberland River Review is an established online journal of fiction, nonfiction essays, poetry, and art, produced and published by Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, Tennessee. They seek submissions from around the world, and they showcase a wide range of forms and styles. You can read the journal online to get a sense of what…

The Midnight Fawn Review: Now Seeking Submissions

The Midnight Fawn Review is a new online publisher of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. They aim to create a home for new and emerging authors, and they are, “dedicated to supporting marginalized communities.” Above all, they simply love beautiful language, and they’re interested in publishing writing, “that moves us and makes us stare in…

Wrong Turn Lit: Now Seeking Submissions

Wrong Turn Lit is an online journal of writing that takes risks. Their goal is, “To publish based on quality of story and language above all else, no matter how “wrong” someone (anyone) may feel about that.” They publish fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Wrong Turn Lit has been published online since 2022, and they offer…

Curious Curls: Accepting Submissions

Curious Curls is a small press that published their first book in 2021. You can learn more about the press and its founder here. Curious Curls has published six books in the past three years. They started out primarily publishing fiction and poetry for adults but their most recent book is a children’s book. You…

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