New Adult

Finch Books: Accepting Manuscript Submissions

UPDATED October 2nd, 2025: The Totally Entwined Group reorganized and they no longer have a Finch imprint. They are still open to submissions in terms of other imprints. Finch Books is part of the Totally Entwined Group which you can read more about here. The Finch imprint was established long after the original review, which…

City Owl Press: Accepting Queries

Updated January 2025 In early March 2024,   Strauss at Writer Beware published a blog post about City Owl which you can read here. It’s a complex ongoing situation and one we are monitoring but I wouldn’t submit to City Owl without spending time reading the post and all the comments first. Some of the comments…

Tell-Tale Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated February 2025: They appear to only be regularly publishing anthologies now, and their social media has grown a lot less active. Tell-Tale Publishing is a small press founded in 2009. They seem to focus primarily on eBooks but also they have print options (largely print on demand). They publish six imprints which include Dahlia…

Loveswept & Flirt: Now Accepting Book Manuscript Queries

January 2019: Loveswept announced over Twitter, that they are going to close. Website not updated yet. No updates on Flirt, but they are not included in the 2019 Manuscript Publishers Guide. Loveswept and Flirt are Random House’s digital only imprints focused on romance and women’s fiction. They are accepting queries for submissions in contemporary romance,…

Lakewater Press: Now Seeking Manuscript Submission

UPDATED March 17th 2021: Lakewater Press is closing in 2021. Lakewater Press is a newer eBook and print on demand (POD) publisher. They were founded in early 2015. They publish a wide variety of fiction. They appear to be open to all genres of fiction including young adult, new adult (18-30), and romance. It is…

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