Science Fiction

Expanse: Accepting Submissions

Expanse is an imprint of Entwined Publishing, which focuses on publishing Romance that falls within the Science Fiction sub genre. Entwined Publishing used to be called The Totally Entwined Group. You can learn more about Entwined Publishing here. I really encourage you to read that review also for larger context about the company. One of…

Second Sky: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Second Sky is a brand new Science Fiction and Fantasy Imprint of Bookouture, which is an established digital publisher of commercial fiction, and an imprint of Hachette UK. We don’t review publishers till they have been been actively publishing for a year, but we make exceptions for imprints, as there is already an established parent…

Black Bed Sheet Books: Accepting Queries

Black Bed Sheet Books publishes horror, and science fiction & fantasy, and have been publishing since 2008. Their primary focus is horror. They were founded and are still run by Nicholas Grabowsky, a horror writer. You can learn more about the publisher here, but sections of that page appear to be fairly out of date,…

Arcadia Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Quercus Publishing, an imprint of Hachette, is re-branding their speculative fiction imprint Jo Fletcher Books as Arcadia Books. It will remain the only imprint of Quercus that accepts unsolicited submissions and it will stay open to submissions of science fiction, fantasy, and horror manuscripts for adults. They will also now consider YA/Crossover books as long…

TWB Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Updated October 10th, 2024: They are currently closed to submissions. Do Not Query. TWB Press’s tagline is “Electronic Publishing for the 21st century.” They have an additional tag line on their main page that says “TWB Press publishes stories of human conflict and redemption through a variety of world views that reflect humanity at its…

Aqueduct Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Aqueduct Press was founded in 2004. Their motto is “Bringing Challenging Feminist Science Fiction to the Demanding Reader.” They go into more details in their mission statement that you can read here. You can get a feel for what they publish by going to their home page here. Their focus is very much on promoting…

Android Press: Accepting Submissions

Android Press is a new small press based in Eugene, Oregon. This is how they describe their mission: “uplifting author and creator voices from marginalized communities and the Global South, Android Press publishes science fiction, fantasy, and light horror specializing in climate fiction and the various -punk subgenres. We love stories that are rooted in…

Orbit Works: Open to Direct Submissions

Orbit Works was founded in April 2023, as a new imprint of Hachette/Orbit that is focused on digital publishing. This includes both eBooks and audiobooks. You can read the PR statement about the imprint here. It is led by Orbit Executive Editor Brit Hvide and Editor Stephanie Clark. Orbit Works, like Orbit, is based out…

Mirror World: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Mirror World bills itself as a publisher of “escapism fiction for all ages”. They publish both eBooks and paperbacks in a variety of genres, many that fall under the larger speculative fiction umbrella including portal fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy, science fiction and paranormal works. They are also open to romance, adventure, comedy, historical, and cross…

Golden Storyline Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Note: Usually we keep our updates in chronological order starting with the most recent at the top and the oldest at the bottom but because of the amount of updates required here, and their relationship to each other, we’ve condensed and reorganized all the updates to go here. The latest update for this note, is…

Three Ravens Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update: As of December 6th 2024 , they are closing early to submissions, because of influx during a planned reading period. Three Ravens Publishing is a fiction publisher focused on genre work, particularly science fiction and fantasy, but are open to other genres as well.  They are active on social media, and attend various conventions,…

Castle Bridge Media: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Castle Bridge Media is an independent publisher that focuses on genre fiction, particularly horror, science fiction, thriller, and fantasy. They accept direct submissions and also submissions from agents. They appear to list most of their agented deals on Publishers Marketplace, so if you’re interested in seeing what they’ve accepted recently, and have a Publishers Marketplace…

Artemesia Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Proposals

Updated March 2025 Artemesia Publishing was founded in 2004, and they describe themselves as a micro-publisher. Although based on the titles section of their website they publish work at the rate of one title per month, which is actually a lot more than many other small presses. They started out focused on nonfiction, particularly inspirational…

Dancing Lemur Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Dancing Lemur Press is a small US Press that has been actively publishing work since 2009. They are based in North Carolina and seem to regularly participate in local events. They don’t have active distribution, which is to say that although they are distributed with Ingram, Ingram is not actively involved in placing their books…

Odyssey Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Update June 2023: The last book they published was in October 2022. Since they are a small press more might be forthcoming, but since they are currently closed to submissions it’s not exactly clear what the future holds. Odyssey Books is a small press based in New Zealand. It was founded in 2009 by Michelle…

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