Self Publishing

8 Tips for Navigating Assisted Publishing

Standing before the publishing crossroads, at the completion of an edited manuscript, we are faced with two options: traditional or self publishing.  The problem is each choice then leads to more paths that only distort what we thought was a clear choice.  Suddenly small publishers, micro-publishers, printing presses, vanity presses, DIY options (bulk printing or…

Under the Covers: advice about cover art for self-publishers

You know those designer beds in department stores all decked out with multi-layered sheets, patterned duvets, and heaps of pillows – don’t you want to just dive in and snuggle down?  It’s the same way with books.  What makes readers want to dive under the covers with you is a visual promise, an enticement that…

Profit Margin or Pride? The Stories of 2 Self Published Authors

Self-publishing is a tangible and viable option in this evolving digital age.  Knowing that traditional publishing houses no longer have the only say in who does or doesn’t get their book into print (physically or electronically), opens up a new landscape for writers and authors. But the question remains, “Will I be successful?” The answer…

11 Ways to Build an Audience for Your Writing

Building an audience of readers is of the utmost importance for all authors who wish to make a living and a name for themselves at their craft. You must have readers to sell books and finding those readers who connect with your work isn’t always as easy as you think it will be. The following…

Self Publishing Your Book With Lulu

The publishing world has undergone drastic changes in the last decade but one thing remains the same, being a successful writer still takes an extreme amount of hard work and dedication. As an unknown author decades ago, I found the traditional publishing world was a very tough nut to crack. Back then the conundrum always…

Self Publishing vs Traditional Publishing: 5 Important Considerations

When you have finished writing your first manuscript and edited it to your own satisfaction, what is your next step? You can either go the traditional route and start writing query letters to agents who may help you get a contract with a traditional publishing company. There are several questions that you can ask yourself,…

Publishing Guide: What to Consider Before Self-Publishing an Ebook

Many authors self publish these days, that way they can avoid the hassle of dealing with editors, and slow moving corporations. Even some established  authors have switched to self publishing because they have more control over their book and even their profits. However self publishing is far from straight forward. This article is not intended…

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