Special Feature

How to Write a Third Person Biographical Statement

When you read submission guidelines, which vary from literary journal to literary journal, almost all of them will require that you include a brief biographical statement (or bio). Usually they require that the bio is in the third person and to be 50 words or less. These bios are tricky to write. It is hard…

An Argument for Writing Poetry

One of the funny things about writing poetry is that most writers either think of themselves as a poet or as a writer. This is not in fact the case, poetry is after all just a form of writing. However a lot of writers, even writers with lots of experience and published books out, are…

The Benefits of Embracing Multiple Forms of Writing

I’ve loved writing since I was a child, but I suppose I didn’t consider myself a ‘real’ writer until I finally published my first novel in 2013. If you’d asked me back then, what else I wrote, I would have said nothing. In my mind, I was a novel writer and nothing more. In fact,…

9 Free Writing Contests

Natalia Bulat The following 9 fee free writing contests are divided into two categories, fiction and non-fiction. All contests offer cash prizes. Fiction 1. Drue Heinz Literature Prize. They consider unpublished manuscripts of short stories, two or more novellas (length of a novella is up to 130 pages) or a combination of a novella (novellas)…

How to Network with Other Authors

Kia Carrington-Russell It can be daunting to meet and network with fellow writers and authors. Especially, when you are new to the community. With these few tips, you will realize it’s not as scary as it initially seems, and you’ll be in a supportive group and network in no time. The easiest and most immediate…

How to use LinkedIn to Build Your Profile as a Creative Writer

— Ben Graff Writing is identity. Whether we write novels, short stories, poetry or something else entirely, every piece of work is precious. Yet it is all too easy to become so absorbed by our work that we miss opportunities to tell the most important story of all. Namely, that of who we are as…

5 Paying Literary Markets to Submit to in May 2019

These literary markets are open during May 2019. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and all of these pay writers. One Story They accept literary fiction stories, on any style or subject, that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone. They will also consider certain reprints (stories that…

Zoetrope: An Excellent Source of Feedback for Your Writing

by Silver Damsen One of the axioms of being a writer is that one has to write. I agree; writing is the most important aspect of being a writer. If one doesn’t write, one isn’t a writer. The second most important is to publish. Unfortunately, the distance between writing and publishing can seem daunting. The…

How To Encourage Young Writers

When I was a child my fondness for writing was often met with smiles and praise, but rarely with helpful or genuine encouragement. In fact, when I announced that I wanted to be a writer when I grew up, most people tried to talk me out of it. There’s no money in it, they would…

How To Write (And Edit) Nonfiction That People Want To Read

Katie Lawrence Many a writer has sat down, written a fairly decent piece, and was left without a clue of what to do next. This occurs particularly often in the realm and genre of narrative nonfiction. Naturally, we have our applications set up to check for grammar mistakes, and we ensure that our message has…

Amazon and Authors: A Symbiotic or Parasitic Relationship?

By Antaeus When it comes to books, Amazon is king. It is the place where authors go to publish their books, and where readers go to browse and buy. Without Amazon, authors would be hard-pressed to publish their work. Without authors, Amazon would not be what it is today. I’ve been self-publishing on Amazon for…

5 Paying Literary Magazines to Submit to in April 2019

These literary magazines and journals are open during April 2019. They are a mix of literary and genre markets, and not all of them are open for the entire month. All of these magazines pay writers. Translunar Travelers Lounge The editors of this speculative fiction magazine want stories that are “fun”. Their guidelines say, “A…

Sociable Media: Face-to-Face vs Facebook

By Bill Arnott Something happened when I hit middle age. A knock at the door, someone holding a clipboard, explaining I was required to start using social media, Facebook being a necessity along with nighttime peeing and early suppers. Not that a clipboard-toting person actually came to call, but I did have a friend strong-arm…

Non-Monetary Ways to Track Success

By Nicky Bond Everyone will tell you that J.K. Rowling stacked up the rejections, or that E.L. James wasn’t traditionally published at first. Megabucks could happen for you too, is their implication. Yet no amount of Cinderella stories can avoid the harsh truth. You won’t be rolling in cash after self-publishing one book. Financial success…

The Top Ten Complaints from Book Reviewers

By TN Wesley What ticks off your readers? What would make someone never want to read your work again?  Knowing this information can help you avoid doing anything to antagonize your readers. To find out what rubs readers the wrong way, I combed through several Amazon.com book reviews and came up with a compilation of…

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