Special Feature

Thirteen Famous Authors Who Were Rejected

One of the ways I comfort myself when I face yet another rejection letter is to think about the number of rejection letters J.K. Rowling received while she was attempting to publish Harry Potter. I also think of the five years Agatha Christie spent trying to get her first novel published. I have not spent…

Boost Your Profile and Sales with a Podcast Tour

By Jen Kolic  Are you looking for new ways to expand your reach and find new fans? Even if the answer is yes, chances are you don’t have the time, money, and energy to start building an audience from scratch on a brand new platform. If that’s the case, a podcast tour may be just…

How to Promote Your Poetry Without Paying A Penny

Many writers ask me this question all the time: “How do you promote your poetry without paying anyone?” There is more then one answer to this question, but it mostly comes back to hard work. In my experience, outside of paying to enter contests, it is very easy to promote one’s work for free. Here…

Where to Write

Written by Geary Smith Several years ago, while vacationing with the family in Key West, Florida, I can remember looking up at the home of Ernest Hemingway, especially, the small window that looked out over the Atlantic Ocean. I thought about Ernest Hemingway sitting in his chair and in his favorite place. As I took…

How to Make Time for Writing

“All writers have this vague hope that the elves will come in the night and finish any stories.” ― Neil Gaiman Time for writing doesn’t make itself. This might seem like a ridiculously obvious statement, yet it is a trap writers fall into all the time, myself included. If you have a good writing habit…

How to Handle an Elevator Pitch

by Wendy S. Delmater Imagine you’re sharing an elevator with your dream editor, and have the length of the ride to interest them in your book. That’s the scenario behind the idea of an “elevator pitch.” You have to be able to interest the editor in a very brief period of time, to hook them…

How a Kitchen Timer Made Me a Better Writer

By John Dorroh One day in December while administering fall exams to my high school science students, a friend dropped by the school to leave me a gift before she traveled home for the holidays. (That was a different time, when visitors were welcomed into the schools without a pat-down.) The gift was a book…

11 Literary Journals that Accept Prose Poetry

– By Stephanie Katz Prose poetry blurs the lines between genres by looking like prose, but sounding like poetry. While there is no set structure for the prose poem, many are written as single paragraph of prose finished by a few lines of poignant verse, and they often make good use of alliteration, assonance, repetition,…

How to Write a Novel Synopsis

by Wendy S. Delmater There’s been a lot written on the subject of writing a synopsis, and I may suggest doing certain things a little differently, but the experts all agree on one thing: finish the book first. So. Are we done writing the book? Good. Now how do you boil down from 70K to…

4 Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Poetry Published

By John Dorroh I wrote my first full-length novel when I was 22 and received at least that many rejections before I put it to bed forever. Last summer, 40 years later, I pulled it out of the bottom of a moldy cardboard box, cleaned it off and read it. My hats off to the…

Grants Are Your Friend: Building Your Artist Portfolio

By Patrick Parr From the years 2002-2013, I’d published a dozen stories in various genres. The amount of money I’d earned from them turns out to be a whopping 370 dollars. That’s around 30 dollars a year. Now, perhaps you think that should be expected. After all, pay rates and the short story market, particularly…

What Does Being Published for the First Time Mean?

By Ben Graff Holding a copy of your own book, for the first time, is something to savor. The sheen of the cover, the smell of the paper, being able to say I made this. It is both a beginning and an ending of sorts. How do we best evaluate this staging point in the…

When To Query: A Guide to Following Up Submissions

Language can be confusing sometimes, particularly English. A query letter or a cover letter is usually the first thing you send a publisher, introducing yourself. I have written about query letters here. However if you haven’t heard back from a publisher after a particular length of time you are often encouraged to email them a…

How to Find Literary Journals

At Authors Publish, we review a literary journal every week and regularly release new themed calls for submissions and linked literary journal lists. However, if you submit a lot (and you should), you need to find more literary journals on a regular basis. The following sites are great places to find literary journals. This list…

Surviving Twitter: A Writer’s Guide

By Nadia Thompson To even the most tech-savvy of writers, the machinations of Twitter can seem like a veritable minefield, but the twitterverse can be a magical place for aspiring authors in particular. I began to realize just how much of the Twitter Kool-Aid the publishing world had drunk when I started researching agents I…

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