Special Feature

How #PitMad Works: Instantly Pitch Book Publishers Via Twitter

Written By Rebecca Ann Smith #PitMad is a quarterly Twitter pitch party coordinated by writer and social media guru Brenda Drake. There was an event on 17 March 2016 and I decided to give it a try. There are several Twitter pitching events out there and they all have slightly different rules and entry requirements….

The Top 10 Lessons I’ve Learned From Authors in Movies

Written By Erica Secor Everything I ever needed to know about being an author I’ve learned from authors in movies. May these nuggets of wisdom guide you along your path to authorship: LESSON #10 – THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (2001) What They Said: Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) contemplates his…

A Busy Mother’s Guide to Establishing a Writing Life

Written by Jean Knight Pace As a mother of four young children and a writer, the question I most often get is, “How do you find time to write?” Usually I answer that I stay up too late. That is true. But there are a few other (healthier) habits I’ve found helpful as a mother-writer….

Build Your Captive Audience With These 4 Free Websites

A captive audience. That’s what you need if you want you want to build your reputation as a writer. Having a loyal audience will make your life easier. You will have better opportunities to earn a living as a writer. You will also have it easier when you publish an ebook or two for sale….

#PitMad About You: 3 Authors Discuss Pitching via #Pitmad

To learn more about what #PitMad  is read Rebecca Ann Smith‘s article about how #PitMad works. If Twitter is a writer’s playground, then “pitch parties” are that spinning-platform-of-death thingy that makes you giddy, terrified, and nauseous. Of all the pitch parties out there, #PitMad may be the most reputable. But what is it? To find…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

Three upcomng anthologies, one about language, one about music, and the third about motherhood (however you define it) and traveling, are featured this month. This Bridge Called Language Anthology This Bridge Called Language is an upcoming anthology of real-life stories, each inspired by an “untranslatable” word from around the world. They are seeking personal stories/memoir…

How to Deal With Rejection

“Every rejection is incremental payment on your dues that in some way will be translated back into your work.” – James Lee Burke For the past five years I have had an average of 25 poems published per year. That means that I have received a fair number of acceptances.  For every acceptance I receive…

Three Anthologies Seeking Submissions

The three anthologies we are featuring this month are all seeking very different submissions. All are run by relatively new presses. Caution should be used when signing any contract with any new publisher. Tempest: Life Upturned A call for submissions opened up for the third anthology published in The Mind Key Anthologies series. The anthology…

Is a Duotrope Subscription Worth It?

Duotrope is a publisher listing service. They are primarily a catalog of literary journals although they include small presses as well. This year Duotrope is branching out to include more mainstream magazines and publications that are open to journalistic submissions. At the time I am writing this their listing includes 5425 markets that accept fiction,…

5 Online Sources of Blogging Inspiration

Written by Ellie Matama Blogging is a great way to enhance your online visibility, build your brand, and market your written works. However, it can be quite tedious to have to come up with topics to write about on a regular basis. It is important to find continuous sources of inspiration for new material. This…

52 Poetry Manuscript Publishers Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Updated January 2017 I have written before about the fact that most poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers to submit. You can read about that here if you want to know more. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for…

2 Anthologies Seeking Submission

Some great forthcoming anthologies are currently seeking submissions. The Shellgame: An essay anthology Submissions are open for an anthology of essays that borrow readymade forms, to be published by the University of Nebraska Press in 2018.  What they mean by readymade forms is essays that borrow their structures from ordinary, extra-literary sources (a recipe, a…

13 Non-Fiction Manuscript Publishers. No Agent Required.

The following publishers all focus on publishing non-fiction books. Most focus in on one or two aspect of non-fiction, such as history books, memoir, or cookbooks. Some are more broad in their interests. All of them are open to unsolicited submissions directly from authors. No agent required. Almost all of these publishers open to proposals,…

6 Popular Myths about Book Publication

As a writer who receives multiple emails each week about publishing, there are a number of myths about publishing that I encounter repeatedly.  Different writers tell them to me as if they are fact. Some myths are ones I believed starting out. Some contain truth. Many are entirely false. Believing in one or more of…

Building An Author Platform

Building an author platform is something all authors should be concerned with. It is important for both independently and traditionally published authors. In my opinion, it should not even matter if you have not finished your book yet. You can, and should, start building that platform now. But what exactly is an author platform, why should you…

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