Special Feature

Why You Should Submit to Literary Journals

When I was first starting out as a writer, I had no desire to submit to literary journals. I did not really understand what function they served. I also didn’t know how many there were out there; I just thought they were a small niche marketplace. I had a few publications which were mostly in…

Ten Tips for a Succesful NaNoWriMo

I assume that if you’re reading this, you have intentions to write something for National Novel Writing Month. Congratulations! I wish I were joining you this year, but I’m starting a new job, skipping the country and trying to get a manuscript edit finished in the next few weeks.  Now that you’ve made this momentous…

The Life of a Writer With a Full Time Job

I fell madly in love with writing the day that I found I could move people with my words. In my younger days I was extremely quiet and shy and writing became an important emotional outlet. As early as I can remember there has been this aching inside of me, to tell a story. As…

The Pros and Cons of NaNoWriMo

T.S. Eliot claims in “The Wasteland” that “April is the cruelest month.”  As a Red Sox fan, I put October (namely, play-offs season) ahead of April.  As a writer, I think that November can top them all. Welcome to my rundown of the pros and cons of the month affectionately known as NaNoWriMo.  It is…

5 Literary Markets for the Triple Threat

If you’re a writer looking to be published by a literary journal, there are many publications that will give your non-fiction, fiction, and poetry consideration. For example, Glimmer Train and Ploughshares. But what if you do more than write? What if you are also an illustrator and photographer? Let’s say you took a photo or…

Interview with Roberta DeCaprio

Roberta DeCaprio is a freelance writer and established author of Romance novels. She has written numerous books, all released by various small presses. You can visit her website to learn more or buy a book: www.robertadecaprio.com/. To read more of her thoughts on writing and life visit her blog. Emily Harstone: When did you start…

Are Contests Worth the Fee?

As an author, editor, professional submitter, and poet, I end up talking about contests a great deal. A lot of writers enter contests but as a general rule we do not review contests on Authors Publish, this is because there is an entry fee attached. The first time I ever confronted a contest I was…

How to Use Images to Promote Your Writing

Much to the relief of my spouse and daughter, I have finally ditched my much-beloved clunky laptop and upgraded. What a painful process. When we got to transferring the picture files, I was amazed at how colossal the folder was – some for research, but a large part for PR. This aspect of e-publishing had…

How to Name the Voices in Your Head

I come from a family of four kids with a Danish-Norwegian patronymic surname.  From oldest to youngest, our first/middle name combinations are of the following origins: French/Hebrew, Greek/Greek, Roman/English and English/English.  Our parents’ names are English.  My five nephews have names ranging from Greek to Irish.  The moral of this story is that not all…

Author Interview: Eric Vance Walton

Each month we interview one emerging or established author to learn more about their writing process and how they go about turning a writing dream into a more possible reality. This month we are interviewing Eric Vance Walton. Eric is a poet and novelist. His poems have been widely published in a diverse assortment of…

11 Ways to Build an Audience for Your Writing

Building an audience of readers is of the utmost importance for all authors who wish to make a living and a name for themselves at their craft. You must have readers to sell books and finding those readers who connect with your work isn’t always as easy as you think it will be. The following…

What Gail Carson Levine Taught Me About Writing

During my years as a student at Brigham Young University, I occasionally volunteered with the annual speculative fiction symposium—Life, the Universe and Everything. As a committee member, I would help with registration, judge the writing competition and hand out nametags. One year, we ran into an problem: Gail Carson Levine didn’t have anyone who could…

5 Ways to Build an Audience for Your Blog

Whether you are a beginning writer looking to build a platform as a writer, or an experienced writer maintaining connections with your readers, blogging about writing may be part of getting readers to read your own writing, or inspiring others with their own projects.  But in a world over saturated with writing advice, how do…

3 Steps to Complete Your Manuscript (So It Can Finally Be Published)

When you write a book, it is officially called a manuscript until it is published. However one of the tricky things about writing is that it can be very hard to discern when a manuscript is actually finished and ready to be submitted to an agent, or self-published. Some authors constantly tweak their work and…

10 Ways to Promote Your Book with Facebook

When you’re promoting a book on any budget, Facebook can be a great utility. If you want great sales it is best to start early, six to nine months before your book is set to be published. When you are are ready, here are the tips to follow to help get the word out on…

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