Special Issue

24 Publishers Seeking Young Adult Manuscripts

Young adult is one of my favorite genres to read, even though when I was a young adult I struggled to find good YA books. These days the young adult genre is profitable, diverse, and covers a wide variety of genres, from science fiction to romance and everything in between. A lot of young adult…

25 Publishers with Excellent Distribution That Accept Unsolicited Submissions

All of the publishers on this list sell thousands of copies of physical books. All of them have books that are available not just at stores near you, but at libraries as well, because they have good distributors. If you want your novel or book to have a good chance of being placed on bookshelves…

33 Children’s Book Publishers Seeking Picture Books

All the publishers on this list focus primarily on publishing picture books. There are a lot of myths about publishing picture books, and one of them is that you have to supply your own illustrations. This is generally not the case. Most picture book publishers will match your work with an illustrator for you, some…

25 Themed Calls for Submissions for March 2019

These are more than 25 themed submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and scripts from 17 markets. Some of the themes are libraries & bookstores, sports & games, border noir, missed connections, grumpy old gods, journey, clothes, mid-century murder, cozy noir crime stories, epistolary horror, epic fantasy, queer families, space force, the clumsy gardener, enchanted forest,…

The Top 38 Publishers for New Authors

The writing market can be overwhelming, particularly for new authors who do not have a history of past publication. It is important to note that no legitimate established presses specifically look for unpublished authors. The presses on this list were chosen because they have published a number of debut books before. The publishers on this…

How to Get Your Writing Published This Year

I was a writer for over a decade before I realized the important role submissions play in being a writer. I don’t know why I expected an editor to arrive at my door with a request for my work. In fact, if an editor or publisher you don’t know approaches you in order to publish…

15 Themed Submissions Calls for February 2019

These are themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Some of the themes are holidays and holiday romance, dark skies, creatures, small-town America, apocalypse, exchange students, serial killers, mystery stories with boy protagonists, sports stories with girl protagonists, and demons. All of these pay writers, whether royalties, token, or pro rates. Also…

16 Magazines Accepting Books for Review

These are literary and other magazines and websites that accept books for review. So if you’re an author looking to promote your fiction, poetry, or nonfiction book, these are places that could review your work; some of them also have author interview sections. Sending a book doesn’t guarantee a review, however, and they often review…

How to Submit Your Manuscript for Publication

When I finish the first draft of a novel I always have a great surge of adrenaline. When I was younger I would enjoy the thrill of completion for days and then start on a new project. It should surprise no one that my early efforts were not published (thank goodness). Now that I am…

78 Poetry Manuscript Publishers Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Most traditional poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers a fee to submit. You can read about why that is the case here. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets. This is the longest and most accurate list of…

17 Themed Submission Calls for January 2019

These markets accept themed submissions for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and audio drama. Some of the themes are voyages, grumpy old gods, work matters, Christian-themed speculative fiction, hidden histories, solarpunk winters, birth, future sex, epistolary horror, celebrating science, shifter stories, and animal-themed apocalypse. All of these pay writers, from token to pro rates. Also see this…

10 Literary Journals that Publish Longer Fiction

Most literary journals are only interested in publishing short stories that are up to 3,000 words or so in length. So it can be harder for someone who wrote a longer short story to place it in a good home, unless they are publishing a collection of short stories. The following literary journals are all…

42 Literary Journals that Publish Genre Writing

Most literary journals are interested in literary work, by which they mean, not genre work. The definition of genre is a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter. However, in the context of writing, genre can refer to poetry, prose or nonfiction in terms…

The 10 Major Publishing Trends of 2018

I am starting off this article with a disclaimer. This article is not going to tell you what publishing trends are up and coming. I don’t know whether books about cats in Egypt are going to be the new board book trend or not. That isn’t my area of expertise, and it is not where…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions

This is a list of themed submission calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, plays, and for translators. Some of the themes are chocolate, Staten Island Ferries, earth science, reimagined folk and fairy tales, angels, darkness, witches, LGBTQ shifters with disabilities, and sports. All of these pay writers. Also see this list of themed submissions…

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