Special Issue

45 Literary Journals Accepting Poetry

These literary magazines publish poetry of various kinds. Many of them also accept other genres, like fiction and nonfiction. Some journals pay writers, and a few of the calls are themed. Many, but not all, of them are open for submissions now. They are listed in no particular order. The National Poetry ReviewThe National Poetry…

15 Places That Publish Writing About Writing and Publishing

It felt a little strange to put together this list because we generally focus on opportunities for creative writers, and most of these places only publish nonfiction, and not the creative kind. But they are still a great opportunity for creative writers in terms of promoting their work and their name. There are also lots…

38 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for April 2024

These are themed calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: solidarity forever; sun rising; moon falling; status anxiety; Grimm retold; funny stories; food horror; fire season; impermanence; and tenacity. Some deadlines are approaching quickly. THEMED CALLS Cursed Morsels Press: Solidarity ForeverCursed Morsels Press has issued a call for fiction,…

25 Journals with Fast Response Times

It is good to start out by submitting your work to literary journals that have fast response times. It is rewarding to hear back from journals within a month, rather than a year later, when you have forgotten all about them. Submitting to journals with fast response times helps keep you motivated. All of these…

30 Magazines Publishing Creative Nonfiction

These literary magazines and outlets publish creative nonfiction of various kinds. Most of them also accept other genres, like fiction and poetry. Most, but not all, of them are open for submissions now. Many of them pay writers. A few of the calls are themed. The magazines are not listed in any particular order. The…

56 Literary Journals that Pay their Authors

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it. – W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making…

34 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for March, 2024

These are themed submission calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: cats; time travel; heredity; found fiction; dragons; winter in the city; Nordic horror; caretaking; mars colonization; and lycanthropy. THEMED SUBMISSIONS Cosmic Horror Monthly: Ligottian fictionThey’re open for fiction, for a special tribute issue to Thomas Ligotti. “Ligottian weird…

68 Manuscript Publishers with Geographic Restrictions

We generally only review presses that accept work without geographic limitations on who can submit, but this list includes many publishers who do have geographic requirements. We have never fully reviewed most of these presses because of their geographic limitations, but they are still good presses. Most of the presses on this list accept work…

25 New Literary Journals (Seeking Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry)

These are new literary magazines – they were launched about a year or less ago. Many have published at least one issue, so you can get a feel for what they’re looking for, but not all of them have; a few are accepting submissions for their first issue. They are publishers of fiction, nonfiction, and…

55 Specialized Publishers Open to Manuscript Submissions

All of the presses on this list meet all of our guiding principles, but most of them have such a specific focus that we cannot justify writing a full review and sending it to our full list of subscribers. But they are still good publishers. Instead, we have compiled this list of mini-reviews. I have also…

36 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for February 2024

These are themed calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the calls are: relationships, hype, strange locations, feminist fairy tales, affection, mercurial, bookmarks, at the edge of darkness, hospitium, and disobedience. THEMED CALLSThe Suburban Review: HypeThis Australian magazine is accepting submissions on the Hype theme. “Put down the to-do lists and pull…

102 Traditional Poetry Manuscript Presses Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Most traditional poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers a fee to submit. You can read about why that is the case here. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets. This is the longest and most accurate list of…

40 Magazines Publishing Literary Fiction

These magazines publish literary fiction; most also accept other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. Many, but not all, of them are open for submissions now, or have announced their upcoming reading periods. Some of them pay. They are listed in no particular order. West BranchThey accept fiction (up to 30 pages), creative nonfiction, poetry, and…

22 Manuscript Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Some publishers open and close their doors to submissions on a routine basis. It can be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions, and when you should submit. The following publishers, however, are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. All of these publishers meet our…

26 Literary Journals Open to Publishing Reprints

Publishing your work is wonderful. Even though my work has been published hundreds of times, I still get excited every time a new publication containing my work gets released. However, once you have published a short story or a poem, most literary journals are not interested in publishing it again. After all, it has already…

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