Special Issue

25 Speculative Fiction Markets that Pay Writers

In celebration of Short Story Month, here is a list of websites, magazines and journals that publish short speculative fiction. They publish a whole range, including hard to soft and philosophical science fiction, slipstream, space opera, weird fiction, pulp SF, vampire and werewolf stories, fantasy of various shades, and horror. While some of these markets…

16 Literary Journals that Read Submissions “Blind”

A “blind” submission is one that is submitted to the literary journal in a way that the readers and editors can read all the submissions without knowing the name or anything else about the author who submitted to the journal. The idea is that it takes any bias someone might have against or for a…

16 Themed Submission Calls for May 2018

These are calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Some of the themes include time, magic, Elder Gods and ancient terrors, margins, holiday romance, music and smashing medical paternalism. Most of these pay writers, from token to pro rates. Sword & Sorceress 33 They want sword and sorcery stories with a strong female protagonist…

15 Literary Journals with Fast Response Times

It is good to start out by submitting your work to literary journals that have fast response times. It is rewarding to hear back from journals within a month, rather than a year later, when you have forgotten all about them. Submitting to journals with fast response times helps keep you motivated. All of these…

16 Themed Calls for Submissions

There are calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and drama. Themes include music, home, eating disorders, otherworldly women leaders, beast-slaying and mystery-solving heroines, politics, social justice and human rights, humorous science fiction and fantasy, haunted houses, underdogs, ice culture, fairies and their treacherous bargains, pulp stories, fables using summer as a backdrop, dark stories…

48 Traditional Publishers Seeking Children’s Books

Updated Dec 12, 2019 All of the publishers on this list publish children’s books. Some just publish picture books, some publish only middle-grade fiction, and some publish a wide variety of genres aimed at adults as well. Some are looking for educational work, others are open to anything. A number of these publishers are large…

20 Publishers with Excellent Distribution That Accept Unsolicited Submissions

All of the publishers on this list sell thousands of copies of physical books. All of them have books that are available not just at stores near you, but at libraries as well, because they have good distributors. If you want your novel or book to have a good chance of being placed on bookshelves…

Authors Publish Turns Five!

Authors Publish started five years ago today. To celebrate, I am going to share 5 of our most helpful Special Issue articles. Before I do that, I am going to talk a little bit about the journey Authors Publish and I have taken in the last five years. When I started Authors Publish, it was…

30 Children’s Book Publishers Seeking Picture Books

All the publishers on this list focus primarily on publishing picture books. There are a lot of myths about publishing picture books, and one of them is that you have to supply your own illustrations. This is generally not the case. Most picture book publishers will match your work with an illustrator for you, some…

18 Themed Calls for Submissions

These are themed calls for fiction, nonfiction and poetry. Themes include shared-universe dinosaur stories, Halloween, crackers (not just the Christmas kind), the future of the internet and artificial intelligence, retellings of classic folklore, heirs and spares, dirty money, the looking glass, Galileo’s theme park, LGBTQIA-inclusive writing for children, romance of various shades (including romance adventure),…

28 Publishers Seeking Young Adult Manuscripts

Updated April 20, 2018 Young adult is one of my favorite genres to read, even though when I was a young adult I struggled to find good YA books. These days the young adult genre is profitable, diverse, and covers a wide variety of genres, from science fiction to romance and everything in between. A…

How to Prepare and Pitch Your Novel to Agents and Editors

By Elizabeth Roderick Congratulations! You’ve done what 81% of people WANT to do, but only 3% accomplish: you’ve written a book! Take time to celebrate that. You deserve to: writing a book is nowhere near as easy as folks think. But don’t rest on your laurels now. You didn’t spend that time and suffer all…

31 Poetry Competitions, Grants, Fellowships and Markets

Many of these markets pay poets, and accept other genres of writing, too. Not all of them are currently open to submissions, but most are. Also see this article for more literary magazines accepting poetry. For poets honing their manuscripts,  this article on 72 poetry manuscript publishers that do not charge a reading fee might…

30 Literary Journals That Publish Genre Writing

Most literary journals are interested in literary work, by which they mean, not genre work. The dictionary definition of genre is “a category of artistic composition, as in music or literature, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter”. However, in the context of writing, genre can refer to poetry, prose or nonfiction in…

18 Themed Calls for Submission

These are calls for fiction, nonfiction, poetry and plays. Themes include gothic stories about lost souls and artificial intelligence, generation starships and planning for future generations, steampunk, crime with a difference, the back of the bus (which could mean the top of the social pecking order, or racism), weird Western, darkness and light, mind, body…

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