Special Issue

18 Literary Magazines That Publish Book Reviews

This is a list of literary magazines accepting book reviews. They review fiction, nonfiction, poetry, translated works and children’s books. Some of them are keen to review works that are not current, or do not receive attention from the national press. Several of these magazines also accept fiction, nonfiction, translations and poetry submissions. Not all…

72 Poetry Manuscript Publishers Who Do Not Charge Reading Fees

Most traditional poetry manuscript publishers charge their readers a fee to submit. You can read about why that is the case here. This article focuses on a number of poetry manuscript publishers who do not charge submission fees to writers, which is good news for poets. This is the longest and most accurate list of…

20 Themed Calls for Submissions (Fiction, Essays, Poetry, & Plays)

These are themed calls for writers of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and plays. Themes include an unimagined world, romance, unthemed mysteries, mysteries involving libraries and librarians and magical crime scene investigation, Florida crime stories, science fiction and fantasy, sanctuary, works centered around Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, and inspired by a Bosch triptych, Christmas and…

How to Get Your Writing Published in 2018

I was a writer for over a decade before I realized the important role submissions play in being a writer. I don’t know why I expected an editor to arrive at my door with a request for my work. In fact, if an editor or publisher you don’t know approaches you in order to publish…

17 Poetry Markets and Competitions Seeking Submissions

Contributed By S. Kalekar These websites and journals all have calls for poetry. Topics include translations from the Caribbean, ecology and the environment, small towns, nature, speculative and holiday-themed poetry, and #MeToo submission calls, apart from several unthemed calls. There are also a few competition calls for poets with upcoming deadlines, with prizes ranging from…

Eight Markets Seeking Speculative Fiction

The markets on this list include anthologies and magazines, most are interested in short fiction but some are also interested in graphic novels, plays, poetry, and other cross genre work. Almost all of the markets on this list pay, some professional rates, others less. Most specifically focus on speculative fiction, some with an additional theme…

The 10 Major Publishing Trends of 2017

I am starting off this article with a disclaimer. This article is not going to tell you what publishing trends are up and coming. I don’t know whether books about a gold rush on the moon are going to be the new YA trend or not. That isn’t my area of expertise, and it is…

20 Publishers Always Open to Submissions

Many publishers open and close their doors to unsolicited submissions on a routine basis. It can sometimes be hard to determine if they are open or shut to submissions and when you should submit. These twenty featured publishers are always open to submissions from writers without agents or previous publishing experience. All of them are…

The Top 30 Publishers for New Authors

Updated January 30th, 2019 The writing market can be overwhelming, particularly for new authors who do not have a history of past publication. It is important to note that no legitimate established presses specifically look for unpublished authors. The presses on this list were chosen because they have published a number of debut books before….

32 Literary Journals that Pay

“It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it.” W.H. Auden As someone who makes their living writing about writing and publishing, I can attest to how truthful Auden’s quote is. It is hard making a…

25 Calls for Themed Submissions (Short Stories, Essays, Poetry)

The calls are for fiction, essays and poetry. Themes include captivating cityscapes, adventure on the high seas, private eyes in Texas, mystery, alien-human LGBTQ romance, queer perspectives in an imagined metropolis, Adirondacks water, quiet horror and dark fiction, guilds, environment, flight, India, bewitched, rebels and insurgents, sword and sorcery, mind control, the centenary of the…

13 Approachable Literary Journals

If you are just starting to submit your work to literary journals, or perhaps you just want to avoid rejection, this list is for you. All of the literary journals in this list accept around half of what is submitted to them. So the odds of your work being accepted just went up. These are…

9 Literary Journals that Publish Longer Fiction

Most literary journals are only interested in publishing short stories that are up to 3,000 words in length. So it can be harder for someone who wrote a longer short story to place it in a good home, unless they are publishing a collection of short stories. The following literary journals are all open to…

18 Calls for Themed Submissions

These calls are for fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Themes include campfire stories, poetry on love and justice, stories about water deities and anthropomorphic sword-masters, sound and silence and holiday hell, the United States West, music-themed LGBTQ romance, finding light in unexpected places, and calls for work by immigrant poets, to name a few. Many of…

20 Respected Literary Journals and Magazines that Publish Creative Writing

The literary journals and magazines on this list reject the vast majority of what is submitted to them. Sometimes authors’ works are rejected for years, decades even, before they receive an acceptance. But these literary journals are respected and trusted. Most have a large readership and good distribution in libraries and bookstores. Many of these…

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