Special Issue

24 Approachable Literary Journals

If you are just starting to submit your work to literary journals, or perhaps you just want to avoid rejection, this list is for you. All of the literary journals in this list accept between 20 and 80% of what is submitted to them, and a few have a higher acceptance rate. So the odds…

30 Magazines Paying for Genre Fiction

These magazines/podcasts pay for genre fiction – fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, crime, and more. They also want a variety of sub-genres – one magazine publishes furry fiction, another publishes cozy fantasy, one wants fun science fiction, and one, atmospheric horror. Many do not specify the sub-genres they want in their guidelines, but as always,…

63 Manuscript Publishers with Geographic Restrictions

We generally only review presses that accept work without geographic limitations on who can submit, but this list includes many publishers who do have geographic requirements. We have never fully reviewed most of these presses because of their geographic limitations, but they are still good presses. Most of the presses on this list accept work…

47 Themed Submissions Calls for September 2023

These are 47 themed calls and contests from 39 magazines/anthologies/presses listed here. Some of the calls are: the end; solarpunk; food & feasting; crabs; feisty felines and other fantastical familiars; rattus futura; the unknown; literary curiosities; personal ghost stories; past perfect; cybear punk; nightmares before bed; and abandon earth. THEMED CALLS Hearth StoriesThis is a…

Why and Where You Should Start Submitting Your Writing This September

 “I went for years not finishing anything. Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged… I had poems which were re-written so many times I suspect it was just a way of avoiding sending them out.” — Erica Jong Starting to submit your work to literary journals is a hard task. Before…

How to Find the Right Agent for Your Book

Researching agents can be a time-consuming process, but I would never submit to an agent without first doing significant research. To me, research is the most important step of the submission process. It is vital because there is no point going through all the work of writing your manuscript and submitting, just to end up…

30 Literary Magazines Accepting Creative Nonfiction

These magazines publish creative nonfiction of various kinds. Most of them also accept other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. Some of them pay writers. Not all are open now, but many are. They are listed in no particular order. Reckoning They publish work on environmental justice – creative nonfiction (up to 20,000 words), essays, fiction,…

37 Wonderful International Literary Journals

The bulk of the journals we review are based in North America, with a smattering in the UK. Although we sometimes seek out and include international journals, the bulk of the journals we’ve reviewed are in these two regions. All of the journals in this list are not in either of these regions. They span…

30 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for August 2023

These are themed submission calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the calls are: subscribe; masks; graveyard boots; shopping mall horror; betrayed; reclamation; coastal new weird; comfort & joy; rip; Halloween; uncharted waters; and the midnight labyrinth. THEMED CALLSCirsovaTheir tagline is, ‘Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense’. They have detailed guidelines…

22 Memoirs that Every Aspiring Memoir Author Should Consider Reading

As a writer, I’m a firm believer that you should also be a reader. I think the best way to learn the craft of writing is to read. I also believe that it’s important to be well-read in your chosen genre. It’s easier to pick up the tools of that genre if you are reading…

31 Publishers that Accept Direct Submissions of Speculative Fiction

Speculative fiction is generally defined as a genre of fiction where the setting is not in the world as we know it because of supernatural, fantastical, or futuristic elements. Three genres are covered by this umbrella term: Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. This term is used to cover work that doesn’t fit exactly in one…

29 New Literary Journals

These are new literary journals – they published their first issue roughly a year ago, or less; a few are reading for their inaugural issues now. They publish fiction, nonfiction, poetry, as well as other genres like cross-genre and drama, and are a mix of literary and genre magazines. Some of these magazines pay writers….

21 Literary Journals Focused on Limited Demographics

This list focuses on a wide variety of journals that are seeking specific kinds of writers, including older writers, working class writers, the incarcerated, Italian Americans, veterans and their families, women writers, and Southern writers. Some of these limitations are geographic, some are not. Some publications have stricter guidelines than others. Not all are currently…

48 Themed Submission Calls and Contests for July 2023

These are themed submission calls and contests for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the submission calls are: Gothic; college life; teachers (and teacher appreciation); bad horror tropes done right; world tour; relief; ghost stories; smoke & mirrors; alternative leadership; occult detectives; and queens in wonderland. THEMED SUBMISSION CALLS Wyngraf: Cozy fantasy This is a…

What is a Chapbook + 11 Chapbook Publishers

Chapbooks are very small books, usually between 15-30 pages in length, 50 at the most. They frequently have no spine and are often bound with staples but they can also be bound with ribbon or thread. They have been around for a long time, at least since the 16th century, when they were associated with…

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