
20 Themed Submission Calls for Writers in March 2021

There are 20 themed calls for submissions for the 16 markets listed here, of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Some of the themes are: neighbours, chilling crime, lost at sea, omens, magic gone awry, tough times, angels, beyond the stars, distanced, and escape. None of these charge a submission fee, or they have some fee-free submission…

Announcing the Fifth Recipient of the Authors Publish Fund for Literary Journals

In September 2020 we started a new fund for literary journals. You can learn all about this fund here. We selected the recipient of the fund using a random number generator. We are happy to announce that Sienna Solstice is the fifth recipient of our fund and will receive 150 (US) dollars. Sienna Solstice “is…

The Art of Describing Characters

By Gillian Haines Gary Provost said, “The story is not what happens; the story is who it happens to.” In other words, characters create and drive plot. They also make readers care about plot events. So how do we introduce vibrant, believable characters imbued with flesh, breath, and spirit that readers connect with? Create a…

What to Do While You Are Waiting for Publication

By Jenny England Publishing is a slow and often long-drawn-out process. So, if your goal is to see your words in print out there for the entire world to read, you will need to strap yourself in and prepare for what can be a stressful but ultimately satisfying ride. Waiting can be one of the…

10 Markets for Literary Fiction in December 2020

These 10 magazines accept literary fiction, and they are open for submissions now. Many of them accept other genres too, like non-fiction and poetry, and some outlets pay writers. Apart these, several premier (and paying) literary magazines that accept literary fiction are also open for submissions now. These include AGNI, Bennington Review, Grain Magazine, Ninth…

3 Editing Tools Every Writer Should Be Using

By Holly Garcia As a writer, the goal is to present your best work before you submit, which won’t happen on your first draft, and probably not on your second; as they say, third time’s the charm.   Each round of edits serves its own purpose. The first time you edit, make sure what you’re writing…

Announcing the Third and Fourth Recipients of the Authors Publish Fund for Literary Journals

Starting in September, Authors Publish has been contributing to a different literary journal each month through our new fund, about which you can learn more here. Recipients of the funding are selected using a random number generator. Because the holiday season is altering our schedule a little, we are announcing two recipients of $150 (US)…

Migrant Anthology: Call for Submissions from Undocumented Immigrants

The poet and author Sonia Guiñansaca, and the award winning author of The Distance Between Us, Reyna Grande, are editing an anthology called Somewhere We are Human: An Anthology on Migration, Survival and New Beginnings. They are seeking essays and poetry from those settled primarily in the Midwest and Border towns in the United States….

13 Ways to Boost Your Creativity

If you have writer’s block, this list should be helpful. If you don’t have writer’s block, this list should be helpful. If you don’t believe in writer’s block, this list should be helpful. I am a big believer in this quote by Pablo Picasso: “Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working”. I am…

25 Themed Submissions Calls for October 2020

There are 25 themed submission calls for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry for the 17 avenues listed here. Some of the themes are: fairy tales, foraging, animal love, night terrors, unmasked, tough times, haunted holidays, a postcard from the past, touch, far from home, and derelict. Apart from these, there are also a few themed contests…

The Authors Publish Fund for Literary Journals Selects First Recipient

Earlier this month we made an announcement of a new fund for literary journals. You can learn all about this fund here. We selected the recipient of the fund using a random number generator. We are happy to announce that Yellow Arrow Journal is the first receipt of our fund and will receive 150 (US)…

26 Horror Fiction Markets Open Now

These are avenues which accept short horror fiction, and all are open now for submissions. Some accept only horror, while others accept other fiction genres as well. A few also accept non-fiction and poetry. Many of them pay writers. Some calls are themed. Here they are, in no particular order. Apex MagazineThis is a popular…

Coffeetown Press: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Coffeetown Press is a literary and non-fiction imprint owned by Epicenter Press. They primarily publish non-fiction, as well as memoir, literary fiction, and historical fiction. Coffeetown Press has distribution through Ingram, which isn’t ideal, but they also have relationships with a number of wholesalers, which is great. They’ve been around for over twenty years and…

14 Literary Magazines That Read No-Fee Submissions All Year

By Zebulon Huset Whether you write erasure poems about pop culture icons or memoiristic flash non-fiction or surreal science fiction, literary hybrid forms or Petrarchan sonnets with skillful enjambment or reviews of 1943 books of verse forgotten by readers today—we’ve got journals that want your writing. All of them are open year round and are…

Free Resources for Pitching to Agents and Publishers

By Stefanie August Since the advent of Internet technology that allows us to research agents and publishers to pitch our work to, there have been tools writers can use. I will address how to use free resources for doing just that, in the competitive world of writing! As an independent author of various genres I…

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