Written by Emily Harstone February 11th, 2021

Decadent Publishing: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Decadent Publishing is only interested in publishing Romance Fiction. They are open to fiction of any heat level (they define their heat levels as part of their submission guidelines) and most sub-genres of romance. Some of what they have published can be definitively classified as erotic romance. You can get a feel for what they have previously published here.

Their covers are mostly well within the scope of normal romance covers, although some are more professional than others. They have been around for over a decade.

They will not consider incomplete manuscripts and they do not ask for partial manuscript submissions. They only want to see complete manuscripts that are not simultaneously submitted to other publishers.

Decadent considers stories starting at 15,000 words, which is not very long. They have no listed upper limit for stories.

You must download their submission form from the submission guidelines, fill out out, and submit that, as well as the full manuscript, at the same time.

They do not consider manuscripts that contain the following: “Decadent Publishing does not accept submissions that contain illegal sexual acts, bestiality (including un-shifted/shifted shapeshifter combinations), incest, pedophilia, glorified racial intolerance, necrophilia, or graphic rape for purposes of titillation – if it is an integral part of the story and not posed in a positive light it may be considered. Romance submissions can be sweet to smoking hot. Sexual or sensual scenes should enhance, not BE, the story. “

Some authors take issue with the fact they have is they do not file copyright on work. You are expected to do this yourself. You can learn more about this here.

They also have a number of series that they are always looking for contributors to. If you scan down the guidelines you can learn more about the specific calls, although they generally lean more towards the erotica side of things.

To learn more about their submission guidelines, and to submit, go here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2020 Guide to Manuscript Publishers.

She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish.You can follow her on Facebook here.

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