Written by Emily Harstone March 24th, 2022

Flashpoint Publications: Now Accepting Manuscript Submissions

Flashpoint Publications used to be called Regal Crest Enterprises, and it has now been re-branded. Regal Crest Enterprises historically specialized in publishing books of interest to lesbian readers but their focus expanded a while ago to include LGBTQ+ work. They have been using their re-branded name of Flashpoint Publications for over a year now.  They mostly publish popular fiction, but they have also published short stories, essays, and anthologies. They have a nonfiction imprint as well. Writers who have worked with them have generally good things to say, particularly about the editing and cover design process. They have been around a long time now and they have a reputation for always paying their royalties promptly.

They do not do much in terms of marketing, but it helps that they have such a specialized niche, because readers often follow the publisher when they know what to expect. They are now Print on Demand only and are distributed by Ingram and Bella distribution.

Their website is basic but reader-friendly, and it is well-organized. It is a good idea to get a feel for what they publish here. Some of their recent covers have been excellent in terms of genre appeal.

They do not accept simultaneous submissions although they try to respond to all submissions between 6-8 weeks. Their submission guidelines are very thorough and detailed so make sure you review them and double-check your submission before submitting.

To learn more or to submit, visit their site here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2021 Guide to Manuscript Publishers.

She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish. You can follow her on Facebook here.


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