Written by Emily Harstone January 1st, 2020

Haymarket Books: Now Accepting Book Proposals

Haymarket Books is an established nonfiction publisher with excellent distribution. They are interested in publishing manuscripts that are accessible to a wide range of progressive and radical political activists. These books should also be useful to an academic audience. They do not publish dissertations.

They have published very established authors, including the journalist Naomi Klein, the novelist Arundhati Roy, and the activist Rebecca Solnit.

It’s a good idea to browse their back catalog to see what they’ve published in the past.

They use Submittable for all unagented submissions. They ask that you submit a cover letter explaining your proposed topic and its relevance to their audience. They also want a 1-2 page outline and summary of the book, and 1 or 2 (maximum) sample chapters, and a brief annotated list of the existing literature on the topic as well as the political work you hope your book will perform. They also want a timeline for completion of the manuscript and any relevant experience you have in terms of writing or activism.

They do not respond to submissions they are not interested in. But they do find a lot of their books this way.

To learn more or to submit, go here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsThe 2019 Guide to Manuscript PublishersSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The Authors Publish Guide to Children’s and Young Adult Publishing.

She occasionally teaches a course on manuscript publishing, as well as a course on publishing in literary journals.


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