Written by Emily Harstone January 13th, 2025

How to Find the Right Literary Agent for Your Book

Researching agents can be a time-consuming process, but you should never submit to an agent without first doing significant research.

To me, research is the most important step of the submission process. It is vital because there is no point going through all the work of writing your manuscript and submitting, just to end up with an agent that does not properly represent you or your manuscript. Or worse yet, to end up being scammed.

An agent that could be a good fit for another author or even another one of your manuscripts might not be the right agent for this particular project. A lot of authors think that finding an agent is a one-time deal, but if you are a multi-genre author it often isn’t. It’s also better to find an agent that is the right fit for one of your manuscripts, than to secure an agent that is an OK fit for all of them.

Also just like any other industry, there are bad agents out there that could misrepresent you in any number of ways — Writer Beware (an organization that works on behalf of writers, sponsored by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America) has a terrific section on dishonest agents.

It is important to note that many agents do not work alone, and most of the more successful agents, although not all, are part of, or head, a larger agency.

When submitting to an agency you often submit to individual agents that work there. Sometimes the agency is very established, but the agents within that agency that are open to unsolicited submissions are the newer ones. A lot of authors are nervous to submit to newer/junior agents at established agencies, but they are often a good fit for newer authors. They have industry connections through their agency, and they are often very focused on establishing their reputation and doing the best for their authors.

Sometimes very famous literary agents are open to direct submissions, but will they really give new and emerging authors the time and attention they need to grow? Will they even actually consider your manuscript, or will someone else read and reject it on their behalf?

All these are important factors to consider when the time comes to submit your work.

I would say that over half of the agents I research, I dismiss after researching. Or I put them in a document on my computer with notes about what I liked and didn’t like about them, to review for potential submission at a later date.

In other words I would consider submitting to them, but only after a significant number of rejections from agents that have a better track record or simply feel like a better fit for my work. I really encourage researching first, and compiling a list of at least five top tier agents, before you start submitting. I would also submit to at least 10 top tier agents before considering submitting to the maybe agents. What I mean by top tier agents, is that at least in terms of your book they are a good fit, and they have a track record of success, not necessarily NYT bestselling novels, but books that were published by one of the big 5 publishers, that were well reviewed.

If you submit as you research, you are much more likely to accidentally submit to a “maybe agent”, and if your work is accepted by them, you could possibly miss out on having the opportunity to submit to a more ideal one.

How to Find Potential Agents

The first step of researching agents is always the same. It involves finding agents that are worth looking into further.

I used to start with a genre search on Query Tracker. This is the way many authors find the agents that end up representing them. This search engine has plenty of filters so it is easy to look for agents that focus on your genre of writing.

Although you should always verify by other means that they actually do focus on that genre, before submitting. You also need to verify that they are a legitimate agency elsewhere.

Three years ago I switched my research method so that I start off on Publishers Marketplace.  This approach works much better for me. I use their search engine in the Deals section to see which agents have recently places books in my genre, and then I generally submit my work to those agents. It’s good because it makes it clear which agents actually have connections to the big 5, and which ones largely place work with smaller presses. It also gives you a good idea about how much money is actually being offered in terms of advances.

The major issue with Publishers Marketplace is that it is not free to use their search engines and access the bulk of their information. You can subscribe to a free newsletter which is helpful but limited. But they charge $25 per month for a subscription. You can also pay $10 for a quick pass, which you can learn more about by following the link.

Another method for finding agents, and the one with which I personally have found the best leads, is to read books in the same genre that you write in, and when you find a book or an author you like, figure out who their agent is. Often the agent is specifically thanked in the Acknowledgements section of the book, but if they are not, Googling the name of the author and the word ‘agent’ will often find good results as well. If it’s not publicly available, it is almost always disclosed on Publishers Marketplace.

I also use Absolute Write Water Cooler Forum to find agents. Usually I look just by browsing the Agents and Publishers forum. I always keep my eye out for the longer threads spanning multiple pages; that is generally a good sign with agents (less so with publishers).

Another way to find an agent is through attending literary conferences. Agents often attend literary conferences, and there are various ways to communicate with them, or pitch to them during the conference. If you are attending a conference specifically to seek agents, research the agents beforehand to see if you would actually want to work with them (and they with you – most agents focus on a specific genre). Approach with caution any sessions where they are charging you an additional fee to pitch. Not all of these pitching opportunities are equal. Make sure to research the agents and agencies in advance to get a feel for if you would actually want to work with them.

One other way to connect with agents is through Manuscript Academy. I’m reluctant to recommend them, not because they don’t do an excellent job, but because they charge, and I always prioritize free and accessible opportunities. But I’ve had a number of students and friends use it have e-consultations with agents. None of them have found their agent this way, but many of them learned information that helped them place their work with a different agent.

How to Research an Agent Outside of their Website

You can also learn a lot about the agent or agency just by browsing their website, but I always research the agent outside their website first. Visiting the website first can influence your perspective too much.

I already mentioned Absolute Write Water Cooler Forum above as a potential way to find agents, but the way I primarily use it is to vet agents. The forums are active and get a lot of use. If an author has a good or bad experience with an agent, they often will share it. Other people in the industry also chime in. Because it is a forum and everyone can post, you sometimes have to take entries with a grain of salt. But there is a lot of good information to be had there. If an agent or agency isn’t discussed there, it is usually because they are new, small, or not very active, and that itself can be a clear sign, although there are exceptions.

Doing a Google search of the agency or agent is also good. A write-up in Publishers Weekly can be a good thing, but they also write a lot of “puff pieces” about agents and publishing houses so I try not to take them too seriously. Wikipedia, as most people already know, is not generally a trustworthy source in this area either. One of the things that is valuable is that sometimes the agent is mentioned on author websites (helpful), or the agency is maligned on Glassdoor (not a good sign).

How to Evaluate an Agent’s Website

A lot can be learned from the agent’s website itself. An established and reputable agent will have the names of at least some of the authors and books they have represented right on their website. It is important that these books and names are currently relevant. For example if they only mention representing one or two authors that were successful 20 years ago but have not published in a decade, they are to be avoided, generally. The clearest, best indicator of a legitimate agency that could place your book with a good publisher, in my experience, is their track record, the authors that they work with, and the books they represent. Make sure they are still actively placing books now — if they don’t list any books that have been published in the past two years, or any deals they’ve made recently, this is not a good sign. But you can always double check on Publishers Marketplace to see if there are updates there. Not all agents or publishers report all deals to Publishers Marketplace but the majority do. Also look into where they are placing these books. This is one of the reasons why it’s helpful to understand how to evaluate publishers even if you are not planning to submit to them directly yourself. There are some agents out there that only place, or mostly place work with presses that are open to direct submissions from authors. This in and of itself while not ideal, is also not a deal breaker, particularly for authors writing in certain genres. What is more alarming is when these agents are mostly placing work with publishers we do not review, based on their past behavior.

It is very important that an agent be active in the genre that you hope to publish in. If they are not, they do not understand how that genre works, and often don’t have the relevant connections that will help your book be considered by the right publishers. If they say they accept your genre but have not represented any books in that genre, I would approach with caution.

It is a good sign if an agent is a member of the Association of  American Literary Agents. That in and of itself is not a stamp of approval though, it is just an indicator that they are probably competent. It’s important to remember that not all good agents are members, and I wouldn’t eliminate an agent just because they are not a member.

New agents can be good, although they are more of a risk because they don’t have a track record. However, you should only consider submitting to a new agent if they have industry experience (more on that here). They should make it very clear what experience they have on their website. As I mentioned before, it can be worthwhile to seek out new agents that are a part of large and successful literary agencies can be the best way forward. They are more likely to take chances on debut authors, and also spend more time supporting their work.

An agent should never charge an upfront fee. That is a clear indicator that they are not a legitimate agent. The same goes for agents who offer editing services for a fee. A combination editor/agent website is usually a clear warning sign, although those lines are starting to blur.

A number of successful agents now run publishing companies and/or have editing services. If that is the case, ideally, these different businesses will remain separate. For example, an author taken on by the agent will not be offered a contract by that agent’s publishing company or be encouraged to use that agent’s paid editorial services. There have been a number of active scams that are ongoing that target legitimate agencies. Where scammers impersonating legitimate agents approach authors and ask for money. You can learn more about this issue here.

In Conclusion

Researching agents might seem overwhelming at first, but the good news is the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Spending a lot of time researching agents helps, but so does spending time increasing your base of knowledge by reading Writer Beware. One picks up warning signs much quicker as one’s base of knowledge expands.

Because it is important to keep track of the research one does, not to mention the submissions one makes — I have two files on my computer devoted to agents and publishers. One includes notes about the agents and publishers I am considering submitting to, as well as a list of agencies and publishers I do not want to consider in the future. The other file tracks my submissions to agents and publishers. It indicates the responses I have received and how long it took to receive them.  If I received a request for a full manuscript before receiving a rejection, I make sure to indicate that. These two files help the submission process immensely.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2024 Guide to Manuscript Publishers. She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish. You can follow her on Facebook here.


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