Written by Emily Harstone December 25th, 2019

John Blake Books: Now Accepting Manuscript Queries

Updated March 16th 2020, They are no longer open to direct submissions.

John Blake Books has been publishing bestselling books since 1991. They focus on non-fiction, particularly on mass-market autobiographies/memoirs. They also have a music imprint, a children’s Dinosaur imprint and an imprint dedicated to history, art, humor and gift books.

They are a British publisher and an imprint of Bonnier that is open to direct submissions via email.

Currently their website is under construction, which is a little frustrating. With a smaller, less established publisher this would be a concern. It is not with an established imprint of this size.

All submissions are accepted via email. Include a cover letter, synopsis and no more than three sample chapters. It’s important to note that they only respond to submissions that they are interested in. If you have not heard from them in two months, assume rejection.

To learn more (although not much at the moment), or to submit, go here.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsThe 2019 Guide to Manuscript PublishersSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The Authors Publish Guide to Children’s and Young Adult Publishing.

She occasionally teaches a course on manuscript publishing, as well as a course on publishing in literary journals.



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