Warning: Lacewing Books Now Charges a Submission Fee
Lacewing Books is an imprint of Engine Books, an established small publisher of works of literary merit, including novels and short story collections.
Lacewing Books is a new imprint and has only been around for a couple of years now. They are interested in publishing YA novels that are literary (or “realistic”). They are open to genre YA novels only if they are character driven. Some of the editor’s favorite YA novelists include Rainbow Rowell and Jay Asher.
They publish just two novels a year, so their acceptance rates are rather low. They have only published three novels previously. Their website is professional and easy to navigate.
It is good to look over their catalog to get a better idea of what they are interested in before submitting. The covers are well designed and appealing. Their books all have blurbs from respected publications and authors.
All submissions should be made through the submission manager Submittable (commonly used by literary journals). When you submit, include a cover letter and the first chapter (maximum 20 pages).
To learn more about submissions, visit their submission page here. To learn more about Lacewings as a whole visit their website here.