The Writer's Workshop Lecture Series

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Writing to Save the World

You are invited to watch a one hour talk and Q&A session with acclaimed author Danté Stewart.

 In his 1961 book, Nobody Knows My Name, writer James Baldwin shared that, “in this endeavor to wed the vision of the Old World with that of the New, it is the writer, not the statesman, who is our strongest arm.” From the beginning of time, writing has been a medium for discovery of inner creativity but social change. In this talk, writer Danté Stewart travels deep into his own story, his love of craft, and the lives that have shaped him as a way to explore the ways writing saves the world.

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Lecture: Writing to Save the World with Danté Stewart

Presented by Danté Stewart

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Danté Stewart is a speaker and a writer whose work in the areas of race, religion, and politics has been featured on CNN and in The Washington Post, Christianity Today, Sojourners, The Witness: A Black Christian Collective, Comment, and elsewhere. He received the Georgia Author of the Year Award for his memoir, Shoutin’ in the Fire. He received his BA in sociology from Clemson University and is currently studying at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.