The Writer's Workshop Lecture Series

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The Path to Publication:
A Conversation on the Agent-Author Relationship

You are invited to a free talk with literary agent Michael Mungiello and author Daisuke Shen.

During the talk, Michael and Daisuke will discuss the role of an agent -- from both the agent's and the author's perspective. You'll learn how an agent can help hone a manuscript throughout the submission process. You'll also learn the right questions to ask before choosing an agent, and the role an agent can have for an author's long-term prospects.

By signing up, we will also let you know about future lectures, workshops, and opportunities from The Writer's Workshop at Authors Publish.

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Free Talk: A Conversation with a Literary Agent Michael Mungiello and Author Daisuke Shen

Announcing Short Fiction Intensive with Daisuke Shen. The workshop includes in-depth personal feedback on two drafts of a story, as well as personal recommendations for literary journals that may be interested in your work. It’s from December 18th to 22nd. Space is strictly limited to just 10 participants. If you’re interested, you can learn more and enroll here.