The Writer's Workshop Lecture Series

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How to Create Captivating Characters

You're invited to a free talk with author and educator John Claude Bemis.

During this talk, John will show you key techniques for making your characters--in particular, your protagonist--utterly captivating for readers and publishers.  The talk includes tips on grabbing reader attention, crafting unique characters, understanding archetypes, and more.

The talk will be recorded live on Saturday March 22nd at 10am ET / 7am PT / 2pm GMT. You're welcome to attend live, or sign up and watch the recording on your own time.

By signing up, we will also let you know about future lectures, workshops, and opportunities from The Writer's Workshop at Authors Publish.

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Free Talk: How to Create Captivating Characters (With John Claude Bemis)

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We’re recording live  on Saturday March 22nd at 10am ET / 7am PT / 2pm GMT. Be sure to add the event to your calendar

Join the Zoom Webinar Here
Webinar ID: 872 9149 0828

John Claude Bemis is a full time author with books published by Penguin Random House and Disney/Hyperion. Before becoming a full time author, John was an award winning elementary school teacher. He now regularly visits elementary schools as a guest author. As a teacher, his passion for sharing literature with his students grew into a passion for writing, and, eventually, a successful publishing career. He now lives in Hillsborough, North Carolina with his wife and daughter.