The Writer's Workshop Lecture Series

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Free Talk:
How to Submit Your Manuscript to Publishers & Agents

You are invited to a free talk  and Q&A session with Emily Harstone, author of The 2024 Guide to Manuscript Publishers and The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript Submissions.

During this talk, Emily will show you the process for submitting your book manuscript to agents and publishers.  You'll learn how to create a polished and industry appropriate submission packet, and you'll learn the necessary tools to find and vet publishers and agents.

By signing up, we will also let you know about future lectures, workshops, and opportunities from The Writer's Workshop at Authors Publish.

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Free Talk: Manuscript Publishing for Novelists

Emily Harstone is the author of The 2024 Guide to Manuscript Publishers, The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript Submission, and a founding editor for Authors Publish Magazine.

Download the Slides.