The Writer's Workshop Lecture Series

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The Art & Craft of Sound in Creative Writing

You are invited to a free talk with award winning author Michael Kleber-Diggs.

Sound in creative writing is the realization of sonic and linguistic patterns. Of the literary genres, poetry is most often seen as amplifying sound in intentional ways.  During this talk,  Michael Kleber-Diggs will provide practical tips for bringing sound forward in all literary genres as he explores some of the ways sonic devices can add interest and energy to all creative writing. This talk will gives you tools and strategies for amplifying the impact of your writing, no matter the genre.

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Free Talk: The Art & Craft of Sound in Creative Writing with Michael Kleber-Diggs

Michael Kleber-Diggs is a poet, essayist, and literary critic. His debut poetry collection, Worldly Things (Milkweed Editions, 2021), won the Max Ritvo Poetry Prize. Hiswriting has appeared or is forthcoming in Poem-a-Day, Poetry Daily, Poetry Northwest, Potomac Review, Hunger Mountain, Memorious, and various anthologies. Since 2016, Michael has been an instructor with the Minnesota Prison Writing Workshop. He also teaches Creative Writing in Augsburg University’s low-res MFA program and at Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists. He lives in Minneapolis.

Buy of copy of his book, Worldly Things