This new literary journal focuses on publishing mid-length (between 10,000 and 25,000 words) Science Fiction and Fantasy. The editor, M.E. Pickett, is an author themselves, who struggled to find markets that were open to accepting submissions of this length.
They are a very new journal, but they are paying authors ($50 per story, regardless of length), and they are offering the first issue for free, so it’s easy to get a feel for what they publish. I think their website is easy to navigate, they are putting real effort into promoting every issue, and the covers they design to reflect the stories seem great, so far. They only publish 1 story per issue, and 4 issues per year, which means that for a new journal their acceptance rates would still be pretty low. The issues are available for free online, or 99 cents per download. An anthology containing all 4 stories will be published once a year.
They are not interested in English language reprints (including self publishing), but are open to work that has been previously published in another language and is now translated into English. Work must be science fiction or fantasy and they are open to most cross-genres. Their second issue will be a Western Fantasy story.
Your story has to be a readable font, ideally submitters will follow Modern Manuscript Format.
Stories should not contain graphic sex, gore, or excessive profanity. It must be submitted via their submission system. Simultaneous submissions are allowed
They try to respond to all submissions between six weeks and 90 days.
Do not submit any work that does not fit their submission guidelines.
The editor also goes into details in terms of what they are looking for if you scroll down on their submission guidelines, which you can see here.
She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish. You can follow her on Facebook here.