Written by Caitlin Jans December 26th, 2024

Notes from the Editor’s Desk: December 2024

Sourcebooks launching audio imprint; Goodreads Choice Awards; and some writing opportunities.

This is a new monthly feature, that we are trying out. We will only continue it if it develops a following. This monthly column will be published on the fourth Thursday of every month. It will be divided into three sections of varying length.

The first section will be focused on opportunities for writers, ranging from editorial work to journals seeking submissions. Often at Authors Publish there are opportunities that we want to include that don’t fit neatly into an already existing list, like non-paying anthology markets open to general submissions, or journals that we’ve already reviewed that want to share that they are open to submissions again. Or they are opportunities that do fit neatly on existing lists, but we found out about them, only after we sent out the updated version of that list.

The second section will focus on various news stories and blog posts that are relevant to the creative writing community, including our perspective on it. We will still do occasional stand-alone posts focused on publishing industry issues, etc.

The third section will focus on sharing subscriber’s success stories, and linking to their recently published work. We are grateful for any feedback. Please send us an email at support@authorspublish.com if you have any thoughts.


Philadelphia Stories is a free print magazine that strives to publish the finest fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art written by authors living in, or originally from, Pennsylvania, Delaware, or New Jersey. They are open to submissions till January 15, 2025. They have separate guidelines for adults and for individuals under the age of eighteen.

THE SCENE describes itself as a “movement, encapsulated in a zine. We are a beat-on-the-street monthly periodical highlighting and connecting the vibrant but independent poetry ‘SCENES’ on Long Island, from the Bridges to the Forks. Our mission is simple, to bring greater awareness to the living, breathing organism that is Long Island Poetry.” They are currently open to poetry submissions (and art) from poets on the geographical island of Long Island, which includes Queens and Brooklyn. They are currently reading for their December issue, no deadline was listed. More details are included here.

Rocky Mountain Reader is seeking book reviews. Read their submission guidelines to learn more.


SourceBooks will be launching an audio imprint in 2025 through Penguin Random House Audio. PRH now owns 75% of Sourcebooks, which operates independently.

Even though I have deeply mixed feelings about Goodreads as a whole, I’m always grateful to have read Goodreads’ list of the most anticipated books for the forthcoming year. You can read that list here. Also, the results of the Goodreads Choice Awards 2024 Reader’s Poll are in, and you can see them here.

Also even though it’s not news, and it isn’t on the Goodreads Choice Awards list, my personal favorite book that was published in 2024 was certainly The Mythmakers: The Remarkable Fellowship of C.S. Lewis & J.R.R. Tolkien (A Graphic Novel) by John Hendrix.

Subscriber’s Successes:

How To Avoid the Use of Adverbs While Telling You How My Husband Died by Jan M. Flynn was published in the recently released issue of Fourth Genre.

Marie Anderson’s speculative fiction story Whirlies was published in Volume 3 of Epic Echoes.

Al Hagan‘s books 90% Death Rate and Angel of Death, were both recently published by Cannon Publishing.

Sue Parman‘s mystery, Gannets and Ghouls, was published in Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine September/October, 2024, and her thoughts on the relationship between anthropologists and mystery writers was published in EQMM’s blog, under the title The Anthropologist and the Mystery Writer: The Structure of Secrets.

Guylaine Spencer’s short story Interview Day was published in CommuterLit.

Bright Flash Literary Review published Laverty Sparks’ flash Thirty Five Thousand Feet Off the Ground and Holding.

Deborah Derrickson Kossmann’s memoir Lost Found Kept won the inaugural Aurora Polaris Award for Creative Nonfiction from Trio House Press and will be published January 5, 2025. You can learn more or preorder it here.

Rudy Vener‘s short story, Slinger, appears in the October 2024 issue of Sally Port Magazine.

Originally published in 2021 by NineStar Press, Kevin Klehr’s The Midnight Man is now available in Audio format.

CM Pickard had poems published in Pineberry Review and The NightWriter Review this November.

Counting Train Track Choo Choo and Clickety Clack by Susan Rose Simms was published by Wonder House Books .

David West’s Witness in the Wings was published by Wolfheart Press

Exaltation by Duane L Herrmann was published by Cyberwit.

Dead Man’s Clothing by Douglas Walker Owens was published in the Brussels Review Fall Edition.

L.J. Lee‘s short story was published on the Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast, and you can listen to it here.

Juno Baker‘s short story Memories of a Fish Man was published in Issue 12 of Seaside Gothic.

Douglas Cole‘s first book of poetry, The Cabin at the End of the World, was just published by Unsolicited Press. Cole’s chapbook Drifter is forthcoming in January from Finishing Line Press.

Claire Frankel published I Dreamed of Planting Trees in the most recent issue of Book of Matches and We All Loved the Dead (print only) in the New Croton Review.

Donna Faulkner‘s book of poetry, In Silver Majesty, was published by erbacce.

Eelka Franziska Lampe’s poem appears in the new Inspired By Art anthology from Olympic Peninsula Authors & Artists.

Effin Older’s HELP! SANTA IS IN TROUBLE was published by Three Ravens Publishing.

Mark Scheel’s poem Soldier’s Christmas appeared in featured section of Spillwords.com.

Please send us an email at success.stories@authorspublish.com if you have a publication success you want to share in our January update. Please note that we are only listing work that has been traditionally published by literary journals, magazines, or traditional presses. We are not covering vanity presses or self published books. Please include a link to the publication. If you have an author website please share that link also. The publication date must be within three months of the current date.

Emily Harstone is the author of many popular books, including The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript SubmissionsSubmit, Publish, Repeat, and The 2024 Guide to Manuscript Publishers. She regularly teaches three acclaimed courses on writing and publishing at The Writer’s Workshop at Authors Publish. You can follow her on Facebook here.


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