Written by Emily Harstone December 29th, 2014

Our Twelve Most Popular Articles in 2014

Of all the many articles we published on writing and publishing this year, the following five were our most popular in terms of click through rate in the magazine and on Facebook, and also in terms of the responses we heard via email. It is interesting to see the range of ideas these articles cover within the realm of writing.

The articles are in no particular order. Click on a title to read the whole article, or skim the synopsis first to get a feeling for the article.

1. Five Books Every Writer Should Read

Have you read all five of the books on the list? Do you have any more to add to it?

2. Red Flags: A Guide to Avoiding the Wrong Publisher

The publishing world can be overwhelming at times. Committing to the wrong contract is one of the worst mistakes an author can make. This guide helps you determine whether or not a publisher is trustworthy.

3. Good Literary Journals for New Submitters

Are you tentatively starting to submit your work to literary journals? This article offers some guidelines for what to look for as well as offering some concrete suggestions.

4. Seven Things Every Writer Must Know To Survive

Kurt Bubna, the winner of a book contest, talks about the seven essential things he has learned on his journey as a writer.

5. The Ten Best Writing Quotes

An article by our meme maker about her 10 favorite writing quotes.

6. Seven Chapbook Publishers

Seven chapbook publishers we recommend and why. Also included is a link to our popular article “The Case for Chapbooks”.

7. Ten Literary Journals That Pay Their Authors

A long requested list that has helped motivate a number of writers to submit to literary journals and also earn some extra cash.

8. How To Write a Pitch for Your Novel

Writing the novel itself isn’t enough anymore. If you go the traditional publishing route you also have to pitch it to an agent or a publisher.

9. Top Three Reasons a Manuscript Gets Rejected

M.J. Moores talks to a literary agent, an editor, and an author, about the primary reasons manuscripts are rejected.

10. We’re Taking a Stand Against Literary Journals That Charge Submission Fees

Our most controversial article to date. This got a lot of editors, writers, and publishers talking. It also earned a lot of praise and a follow up article from our editor Jacob Jans.

11. Why A Writer Must Also be a Salesperson

Writers often rely on other skills as well. Rebecca Savastio’s article helps writers turn their words into a career.

12. 3 Ways to Promote Yourself  as a Writer (Even if You Don’t Want to)

One of our most successful articles of all time, this article sometimes bills itself as self promotion for introverts.







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