Written by Ella Peary March 20th, 2025

Pink Apple Press: Now Seeking Submissions

Pink Apple Press is an online magazine “showcasing the juiciest poetry and flash fiction of the bushel.” They are looking for unexpected, memorable writing that makes them want to read on: “Whether we find seeds to a new pink apple tree or half of a worm, we want to be surprised after the first bite.” You can get a sense of what they publish by reading the journal online.

Pink Apple Press was launched in 2023, and since then they’ve published three editions of the magazine, available to read for free on Issuu. Each thoughtfully designed volume features writing from around fifteen contributors, alongside original artwork. The three issues are titled “Golden Hour”, “Dawn”, and “Midnight”.

Pink Apple Press is open to submissions right now, and poets may submit up to five poems. Authors of flash fiction may submit pieces up to 2,000 words. All submissions should include a brief bio.

Pink Apple Press also plans to showcase one piece of microfiction on their website each month, in a feature called “Monthly Micro.” Authors of microfiction may submit micros up to 300 words.

Pink Apple Press accepts submissions via email, not online or by post. They do not specify whether they accept previously published writing or simultaneous submissions.

Pink Apple Press only accepts submissions that follow the guidelines they’ve posted online, so please read these guidelines in full before submitting.

If you would like to learn more or submit to Pink Apple Press, please visit their website here

Bio: Ella Peary is the pen name for an author, editor, creative writing mentor, and submission consultant. Over the past five years, she’s written hundreds of articles for Authors Publish, and she’s also served as a copywriter and copy editor for a wide range of organizations and individuals. She is the author of The Quick Start Guide to Flash Fiction. She occasionally teaches a course on flash fiction. You can contact her at ellapeary@gmail.com.


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