Reverie is an online journal of short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and artwork. They hope to use their journal to encourage connection and amplify unheard voices: “By fostering a welcoming community, Reverie hopes to inspire change and make art accessible to all.” Reverie is an approachable journal; they accept around 40% of the submissions they receive. You can get a sense of what they publish by reading the journal online.
Reverie was established last year, in 2023, and so far they’ve published three issues. Each attractively designed online edition contains writing from around fifty contributors.
Now through January 1, Reverie is seeking submissions for their fourth issue. Poets may submit up to five poems, five pages or fewer each. Authors of fiction and nonfiction may submit up to three pieces, 1,000 words or fewer each. Reverie will consider longer works of fiction and nonfiction, but pieces within the word limit will be given priority. Reverie also accepts other forms of prose.
Submitting authors can expect a response within one month. Authors should submit only once per reading period.
Reverie does accept previously published writing. When submitting previously published work, authors should note the previous place(s) of publication in the submission.
Reverie accepts submissions via email, not online or by post. They accept simultaneous submissions but ask that authors notify them if submitted writing is published elsewhere.
Reverie only accepts submissions that follow the guidelines they’ve posted online. Please read these guidelines in full before submitting. If you would like to learn more or submit to Reverie, please visit their website here.
Bio: Ella Peary is the pen name for an author, editor, creative writing mentor, and submission consultant. Over the past five years, she’s written hundreds of articles for Authors Publish, and she’s also served as a copywriter and copy editor for a wide range of organizations and individuals. She is the author of The Quick Start Guide to Flash Fiction. She occasionally teaches a course on flash fiction. You can contact her at