Born out of a craving for more literature to love, Taxicab Magazine was, according to its makers, “thrown into a frying pan with the hesitancy of all great things.” It’s an American venture by creed, pioneering and accepting all corners of our shared and partitioned selves. They like novelties, shake-ups, and progress. They believe in everything, but most of all: you, and your secrets, which they want to hear. They want your diary pages with black coffee rings and your mythopoetic breakdowns—your “darlings” to love dearly.
Taxicab Magazine accepts submissions on a rolling basis, and they publish new content frequently. They like submissions employing multiple mediums, whether in separate works or in tandem pieces.
Authors of prose may submit up to three pieces, no more than five pages each. Poets may submit up to six poems. Taxicab Magazine also accepts visual art and videos. All submissions should be accompanied by a brief bio.
Taxicab Magazine accepts submissions via email, but not online or by post. They accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that authors immediately withdraw work published elsewhere. They do not accept previously published work.
If you would like to learn more or submit to Taxicab Magazine, please visit their website at
Taxicab Magazine: Now Seeking Submissions
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We Send You Publishers Seeking Submissions.
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Notes From the Editor’s Desk: January 2025
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