Temporal Lobe Literary is a new online journal that, “celebrates the richness of the creative nonfiction genre.” They publish poetry, essays, memoirs, interviews, hybrid writing, and other types of creative nonfiction. They like honest, resonant, and nuanced writing that, “explores the complexities of being human”. You can read the journal online to get a sense of what they publish.
Temporal Lobe recently published their first issue, featuring eight pieces by seven contributors. There are four poems, three pieces of prose, and one piece of hybrid writing. The journal is thoughtfully designed, and the website that houses it is attractive and easy to navigate.
Temporal Lobe plans to publish quarterly. They’re open to submissions year-round.
Poets may submit up to five nonfiction poems, 100 lines or fewer each. Poems must be in the form of creative nonfiction, and there are links on their website that explore the meaning of this term.
Authors of nonfiction prose may submit up to three pieces, 18 pages or fewer each. Temporal Lobe accepts a wide range of prose including memoirs, essays, interviews, biographies, and autobiographies. They also accept nonfiction hybrid writing. They do not accept academic research.
It’s notable that Temporal Lobe accepts previously published writing. They also accept simultaneous submissions, and although authors don’t need to withdraw writing published elsewhere, they ask that authors communicate any reprinting guidelines.
Temporal Lobe accepts submissions via email, not online or by post. Authors may submit writing in multiple genre categories.
Temporal Lobe only accepts submission that follow the guidelines they’ve posted online. Please read these guidelines in full before submitting.
If you would like to learn more or submit to Temporal Lobe, please visit their website here.
Bio: Ella Peary is the pen name for an author, editor, creative writing mentor, and submission consultant. Over the past five years, she’s written hundreds of articles for Authors Publish, and she’s also served as a copywriter and copy editor for a wide range of organizations and individuals. She is the author of The Quick Start Guide to Flash Fiction. She occasionally teaches a course on flash fiction. You can contact her at ellapeary@gmail.com.