About the Book: Writing for children and young adults is very different than writing for adults. Audience expectations are different. Picture books, for example, have completely different sub-genres than adult books. Whereas adult books have genres like science fiction and fantasy, picture books have sub-genres like fairy tale, alphabet, and bedtime books. I’ve covered adult publishing in The Authors Publish Guide to Manuscript Submission — if you only write adult fiction or non-fiction that book would be a much better fit for you.
The Authors Publish Guide to Children’s and Young Adult Publishing covers the basics of how to submit a manuscript, as well the details you should know before submitting children’s and young adult (YA) books. The book also includes information on manuscript publishers that consider direct submissions of children’s and YA books.
New to this edition is a section on finding agents, as well as a list of agents to as a launching point for your search.
Following that section is a chapter on literary journals and magazines that are open to writing aimed at younger readers, and then a chapter on additional resources for authors.
This book should give you all the information necessary to submit a manuscript and find a publisher, as well as help you understand the children’s publishing market as a whole. — Emily Harstone